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Favorite offense?


Well-known member
Just so we have something to talk about a bit.

Mine would be either the pro/power run offense, or the spread/pass (throw a lot) offense. I like the powerrun because once you get it like Wiscy had, well, enough said there. And the spread, I like having 4-5 WRs on the field forcing the defense to either cover them all up, or give up a ton of yards, and if they do cover them up (like going deep), the dual threat QB can do a draw play and get a bunch of yards on the ground.
My favorite one is the one that will allow my Cowboys to win majority of their games! I don't care what it is, if it puts points on the board, and our D can keep the other team from doing the same.
I loved Hawaii's offense when paul johnson was OC there. He ran a flexbone system with run and shoot concepts. I thought it was fascinating and very unique. The "Shoot-bone"

I'm a fan of a power run game. You still have to throw the ball well, but when you set up the pass by punishing the defense with the run the big plays open up.

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