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Draft day's coming..


Staff member
Any Cowboys going to make the cut? Stinson? Betschart? Ford? I'm guessing Stinson could be a 2nd day pick.. anyone got anything better?
Stinson didn't even make Scout.com's top 30 cornerback draft prospects this year, but I think he should have. I'm going to say he's one of the 20-25 best DBs available in this year's draft. I could see him going around the same time Wendling went last year, although that always depends on teams' needs.

Bucky could be a good blocker/kickoff specialty guy. I could see coaches using him as a big, mean special teams bruiser.

I'd be surprised to see Ford in the NFL. Same with the rest of our seniors on defense.
I talked to Luke Chase yesterday and he said that the Giants and Falcons are interested in him after he heals up but he doesn't know if he wants to keep playin because it's so rough on him.

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