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Did anyone hear what the game announcers said


Well-known member
about TCU playing Wyoming as far as the BCS standings are concerned? They said by the BCS computer rankings that playing Wyoming will be a major plus because in the BCS computer rankings Wyoming is in the top ten in the nation for strength of schedule this season.
Yep, it'll matter far more in the computer rankings than in the voting.
Unfortunately for us, it means TCU will also attempt to run up the score as people will compare the scores of Wyoming - Texas to Wyoming - TCU.
yeah, I caught that and had to look it up. The announcers said a lot of things that were not right. They called the Gipson brothers twins, Wyoming has top 10 S.O.S.(really about 50th according to Sagarin), They said SDSU hadn't scored a TD on 22 straight drives (when really that was UW & SDSU had already scored 2 TD that game), some others I can't think of now, none were life changing, but it sure seems like they were disorganized, tired, or just plain confused.
Yeah you can't listen to anything on the Mtn. without a grain of salt......my favorite was when Neverett asked just prior to going to commercial after one of our TDs (none of which were questioned)... "Is this a touchdown? ......not?". Haha it was as if he were watching Dancing with the Stars on another monitor while calling a football game.
Juice, I heard that too. I sat there for a minute and thought "what? Did I miss something?" And the commercial with the idiots on the scooter just drives me nuts.
They also said that UNLV hasn't played in the snow for something like 26 seasons. I specifically remember a game when I was in the band in college that we couldn't play because it was so damn cold that one of our sousaphone's mouthpieces got frozen to the lip of the guy that was playing it. We still went down and sat in the stands in our western thunder overcoats to cheer for the team (with loaded camel backs under the coats, of course) against UNLV.
cheypoke said:
Juice, I heard that too. I sat there for a minute and thought "what? Did I miss something?" And the commercial with the idiots on the scooter just drives me nuts.


When I saw that commercial, I just couldn't fricken believe my eyes. And Todd had a huge smile on his face...
Fullback41 said:
yeah, I caught that and had to look it up. The announcers said a lot of things that were not right. They called the Gipson brothers twins, Wyoming has top 10 S.O.S.(really about 50th according to Sagarin), They said SDSU hadn't scored a TD on 22 straight drives (when really that was UW & SDSU had already scored 2 TD that game), some others I can't think of now, none were life changing, but it sure seems like they were disorganized, tired, or just plain confused.

They messed up what they were trying to say (several times) I believe he was trying to say the SDSU defense hadn't given up a 4th quarter touchdown in the previous 22 drives. We put an end to that three drives in a row :D

They were confused a times, or maybe just lack the skills to properly relay what is being told to them in their ear - or on their screens - after all they don't know any stats - they hire people for that.
yeah i was mistaken, after watching fourth qtr again i finally understood that he said they hadnt given up a fourth qtr TD. my bad on that one.

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