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CSU LB Guarantees Victory


Staff member
Locker room material right here.
Ricky Brewer wasn't on the field last year, when Wyoming players raced over to the CSU sideline at Hughes Stadium to grab the Bronze Boot in a postgame celebration on the Rams' field.

But the senior linebacker for the Colorado State University football team has watched it unfold on video over and over again since returning from an NCAA suspension that kept him from playing last season.
Was just about to post the same thing. Here's hoping the coaching staff can get the guys up emotionally and prepared physically for this game. If not, well, it will be a long off-season.

The sad thing is, they could say that all of our guys are sheep humpin' girly men that couldn't win this game if their lives depended on it...and I don't think it would matter. Sure it adds motivation...but if we don't have the horses, or more importantly, the will to go all "Kyle Assingham" on them, they can say all they want. Until our guys actually show that they can be motivated and that they do have heart - especially on the defensive side of the ball and offensive line - I will tend to think that the asshat Brewer will be feeling up the Boot like it was your typical CSU co-ed on Saturday night.
LawPoke said:
The sad thing is, they could say that all of our guys are sheep humpin' girly men that couldn't win this game if their lives depended on it...and I don't think it would matter. Sure it adds motivation...but if we don't have the horses, or more importantly, the will to go all "Kyle Assingham" on them, they can say all they want. Until our guys actually show that they can be motivated and that they do have heart - especially on the defensive side of the ball and offensive line - I will tend to think that the asshat Brewer will be feeling up the Boot like it was your typical CSU co-ed on Saturday night.

just about lost my lunch on that one
If a statement like this doesn't motivate the Pokes, nothing will. I'd be fucking pissed if some asshat guaranteed a victory on my homefield and said he'd be the first one to go grab the boot. Fuck that.
You should expect statements like that from coprophagous CS'ers (that's Colorado Staters, not what you just thought when you read CS - but you are forgiven for thinking it).
More smack from CSU: Kelly Stauffer talking shit on ACS. These Cowboys should be pretty motivated by now.
Adv8RU12 said:
You should expect statements like that from coprophagous CS'ers (that's Colorado Staters, not what you just thought when you read CS - but you are forgiven for thinking it).

Their's a difference? ;)
MrTitleist said:
More smack from CSU: Kelly Stauffer talking s##t on ACS. These Cowboys should be pretty motivated by now.

Apparently ACS has mailed an apology to The MTN for his comments.

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