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Cowboy Football and the local economy


Well-known member
I have been writing an economic research paper on Cowboy football and how winning or losing affects our local economy. Now I haven't finished and would like some more input from actual fans, than just a casual business owner.

The overall conclusion I have come to is that it doesn't matter if we have a winning program here in Laramie. Wyoming is unique in that it is the only 4 year bachelor and grad program in the state and also the only FBS program in the state. As an institute of higher learning and as far as graduation rates are concerned, keeping Joe Glenn would have been the right move. After researching, it has been shown that higher winning percentages do not translate into increased alumni giving but that bowl appearances do have a slight impact in giving. Economically winning more would slightly increase revenue but at what expense? Laramie and it's business will continue to grow with or without a winning program. Having the University and a Divsion1 program is enough to provide a positive growth in our local economy.

I'll finish this paper at some point and it goes into much more depth and statistical analysis of what I'm saying here. Just thought I'd post a little tid bit of it for us to argue over :)

Disclaimer: We here our obviously die hard poke fans and we want to see a winning program. I'm just throwing my research perspective into the mix.
Economic impact? After the Joe Glenn era there is very little question that winning was not tied to giving. Now pride and fervor are another thing. You cannot economically quantify how much a 10-2 season with wins against teams like BYU or Utah can bring to a program. It may not mean a big boost in bucks but, a sold out stadium every week or turning on ESPN on Thursday night and seeing the Cowboys ride to victory can really bring up pride levels on and off campus.

4-9 season = 500,000 in donations
7-5 season = 500,000 in donations and a bowl bid
10-2 season = 550,000 in donations , a bowl bid, and talk of the state for the entire offseason
12-0 season = priceless

*all dollar figures are rhetorical no idea what actual donations are yearly

My thoughts on this are that Laramie lives & dies (to an extent) with Wyoming sports. One way or another, it impacts every business in that town. As an obvious example, I would recommend you call and interview Casey Campbell at the Brown & Gold 307-742-2427, and ask him how this last football season impacted his business...from a sales standpoint, a profit standpoint...and then how it trickles down to his staffing (labor cost), his personal spending, etc. I would be willing to bet he would spend some time on the phone with you, he is a great guy. Good Luck!

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