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Christensen Answers Questions in Denver Post


Well-known member
To anybody who doesn't normally read the Denver Post:

I especially liked this:
"With the switch to a 4-3 defense, are you concerned about being undersized on the front four, especially at the tackle positions?
Jerry Krysl, Centennial (Wyo. 1988)

DC: I don't have a concern there. Our starting tackles will probably average about 275-290 pounds, with good speed, strength and size. Both of our starting ends (Gabe Knapton and Josh Biezuns) were outstanding players for us a year ago as linebackers. They are both very strong young men, and both have added size. But what they really give us is much better speed on our defense. I don't think size is going to be a huge factor at the defensive line positions. "

It was about the same question I was about to ask before I got interrupted and forgot to send the e-mail... I guess it got answered nevertheless :)

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