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Can we compete in provo?


Well-known member
I think so. But plaisted must be held under control. Let Waddell foul out but we have to get physical with him. I don't think this byu team is as good as advertised. Ewing and Ogirri should go wild against their guards. This is our chance to move into the upper tier.
Plaisted no longer plays for BYU. That's probably one of the big reasons BYU isn't nearly as good this year. However, they do still have one of the co-players of the year playing for them in Lee Cummard and a couple of pretty good players in Tavernari and Fredette. We will need to play our best game of the season to have a chance in this one. I hate to say it, but I'm not getting my hopes up over this game. It could turn into another blowout loss on the road. That being said, unless a drastic injury happens to either BYU or the Pokes in the near future, I see the Pokes paying back BYU at home.
Well, I haven't watched byu much this year. Just a little here and there. I'm just getting my hopes up. I hate losing to them more than anyone else, even csu. Buckhole, it will be interesting to see what the line is. I would be interested to know which way you go.
Tavernari, a great 3-point shooter, wasn't that hot in the last game. He has something to prove. If someone doesn't stick to him there will be big problems. But I would like to see a game in which the "street ball" boys are turned loose (Brandon, Afam, Sean) - forget about plays. Surprise BYU and at least have a fighting chance.
they can compete, but they've got to be aggresvie and play solid defense. You're never going to get the calls in Provo, so you might as well play aggresive and earn the fouls since you're going to get them anyway. Get in their faces, make them earn it. This BYU team is no where near as good as we thought.
But I would like to see a game in which the "street ball" boys are turned loose (Brandon, Afam, Sean) - forget about plays. Surprise BYU and at least have a fighting chance.

Not sure your choice of words is the most flattering to the players mentioned but i think i get your point.

In fact to a certain degree I agree with you. With a young "inexperienced"team Schroyer should have been coaching defense and situational offense.Like Out of bounds plays or last second plays and loosened up the reigns on the offensive side. Let the athleticsm take care of the offense until they come up to speed on his schemes.

Schroyer is a little to controlling and that is what led to the Boise loss.Remeber that Ogirri was standing there listening to Schroyers instructions when he got called for 10 seconds.. LOL

I also think Schroyer coaches scared and gives the opponents to much respect.

Let Ewing,Afem,Tyson,Sean and Djbril loose. Let the seniors reign in the rooks and let them run....
I didn't mean that Ewing, et al, were "street ball" players. What I meant was that they are capable of playing with "street smart" abandon and making it work - a free-form, take what you can get when you can get it attitude - forget the rigor of set plays and offences just this once and see what happens. Pokes will probably get stomped anyway (but play disciplined defense as a counter), so take the risk.

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