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BYU @ WYO 4:00 p.m. MT

I recently upgraded my Internet Connection to a 3 meg up line so I have trying to raise the stream to the highest stream possible without killing my own internet use. With only 2-3 people connecting I can run it pretty high quality so I guess for this season I'll give you guys the royalty treatment with bandwidth :)
You are spoiling us!

How many viewers can you support? Are you planing on broadcasting during football season?
NCWyo said:
You are spoiling us!

How many viewers can you support? Are you planing on broadcasting during football season?

I'm not sure on the number TBH 25 to 50 if I keep it under control. Every season that has a sport that makes it on TV or the Radio I will broadcast and will continue to do so as long as I have the MTN network. I'm in Arizona so being this far from Wyo I usually have to listen to the games on the Internet but it seems like the MTN evenly distributes broadcast time between schools no one really gets more games televised based on Ranking so hopefully more games continue.
Just once I would like to hear the MTN Announcers being 100% Honest and say something smart like, Does Heath realize he is running his team off?

I mean come on they are always making retarded excuses for Heath, Rebuilding season and he is busy teaching his team basketball fundamentals. I mean really are these announcers not watching the same Wyo team that I am watching? Heath calls timeouts that are completely off the wall and then it looks like he picks someone random to scold who wasn't doing exactly terrible.

Every timeout we seem to fall further behind and some players look more discouraged after each time out.
Wyo2dal said:
Just once I would like to hear the MTN Announcers being 100% Honest and say something smart like, Does Heath realize he is running his team off?

I mean come on they are always making retarded excuses for Heath, Rebuilding season and he is busy teaching his team basketball fundamentals. I mean really are these announcers not watching the same Wyo team that I am watching? Heath calls timeouts that are completely off the wall and then it looks like he picks someone random to scold who wasn't doing exactly terrible.

Every timeout we seem to fall further behind and some players look more discouraged after each time out.
Last night on Around the Mountain, pne of the guys said that Schoryer won't be here next here.

If only. :(

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