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Black 14


Well-known member
They had a panel discussion yesterday - is there going to be any official recognition of the incident at the game? just curious.
gopokes1399 said:
what is the black 14

I think I remember you saying you were young so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm fairly young myself (didnt live through it at least) and I don't know the full story.

Wyoming was playing BYU in 1969. Wyoming was coming off of some big time seasons, Sugar Bowl, top 10 ranking, etc etc. The black players on Wyoming wanted to protest BYU and the LDS church for not allowing black players/people into BYU. They wanted to wear black armbands in the game to protest BYU, the coach at the time didn't let them, the players protested and were suspended etc etc it was a big clusterf&^%$.

Many people claim it made it very difficult for Wyoming to recruit black players in the 70's and was a big reason for the downturn of Wyoming's program which took a long time to recover.

I'm sure I screwed it up and i didn't live through it. there's a good book on it, read it sometime, I haven't though :)

Long story short BYU sucks, they didn't admit black players until around 1977 i think.
Thank you CalPoke and yes i am young haha and i knew nothing about it i will need to scoop this book up im excited to read it now!
It wasn't that BYU did not admit black players to the University but that black members of the Church were not allowed to be in the clergy of the church at the time.
thirtyseven said:
It wasn't that BYU did not admit black players to the University but that black members of the Church were not allowed to be in the clergy of the church at the time.

First of all, the Pokes blew out BYU in that game.

Secondly, I believe that all males, starting at age 13, are expected to become "bishops" in the LDS church, so restricting blacks in the "clergy" was more severe than it appears. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Secondly, I believe that all males, starting at age 13, are expected to become "bishops" in the LDS church, so restricting blacks in the "clergy" was more severe than it appears. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

You are wrong, no one is expected to become a bishop. It is all a matter of choice and service.

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