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Austyn Carta-Samuels: Redshirt or Play?


Well-known member
Its tempting to start off this brand new era of Wyoming football with a highly hyped recruit to build you team around. Obviously Wyoming doesn't have the proper players to run this offense right now, add the fact that Austyn will be a true Freshman this fall and it begs the question whether you play the star QB, or redshirt him?

Both scenario's have their rough spots. You could play Austyn right now, but he could have a pretty rough first season. Or you could redshirt him, let him get comfortable with the system, and watch Karsten succeed or tank it.

What do you all think? Do we wait? Or is the future right now?
Redshirt him. This team is about the future, not next season. True freshman rarely come in and take over. Benjamin, I would think, was brought to Wyoming to lead this team until Samuels is ready. I'd be hard pressed to gamble the future on a QB that may or may not be the next coming of Chase Daniel.
If it were up to me, I'd redshirt him straight up. However, DC is on record as saying he'll put the best players on the field regardless of their status. So, if ACS is as good as advertised, he just might lead the Pokes next fall. However, I'm not counting Karsten out, just yet. He's run a spread-type offense back in his high school days, so he's familiar with the concept. And, with supportive coaching, he just might retain the starter's job. We'll see.
Hope he redshirts, but if he's the best, he should be playing.

I think we gotta play the guys that give us the best chance to win now, regardless of age. That said, there is a lot things that go into leading a team, ability, smarts, experience, having the rest of the teams respect, maturity, etc. So, while I hope, Sween and Benjamin play well enough we don't burn ACS's redshirt; if ACS gives us the best chance to win 6 or more-he should be our guy.
You have to play the best player. Period.

From what I've seen, I think ACS just may be our best QB. Upperclassmen usually have the advantage over younger players for several reasons, but our upperclassmen at QB have been absolutely horrible. I don't really understand how people seem to expect Sween to become a good college football QB just because we changed offenses. I'll admit, Sween did look better this spring, but I didn't see enough out of him to make me think we could make it to a bowl game with him at the reigns. If neither Benjamin or ACS can unseat Sween this year, then I definitely won't be very optimistic about this coming season. You don't exactly have to be an All-American to be better than Sween.
redshirt. redshirt. redshirt.

it gives him an entire year to:
1. Get acclimated to college academics
2. Get stronger
3. Get smarter
4. Learn the system more
5. Get used to the speed of the game
evilpoke said:
redshirt. redshirt. redshirt.

it gives him an entire year to:
1. Get acclimated to college academics
2. Get stronger
3. Get smarter
4. Learn the system more
5. Get used to the speed of the game

I couldn't disagree with you more. The biggest advantage to redshirting a player is that it allows him to physically mature. In most cases, there is a big difference in physical maturity between a 17 or 18 year old kid and 22 year old young man. Since football is so physically demanding, true freshman usually aren't ready to see the field. However, QB is one position where physical maturity isn't such an important factor. As far as ACS is concerned:
1. I don't foresee academics being a problem for him. From what I could dig up, he has a solid high school GPA and better than average scores on the college entrance exams. Add in that Christensen runs a damn tight program and I don't see him falling behind, regardless of whether he is playing or riding the pine.
2. As mentioned above, brute strength isn't a huge help to a QB other than maybe increasing their durability. That being said, ACS isn't exactly a small guy at 6'1 and 210 lbs. He seems to have more than adequate arm strength already, so that shouldn't be a problem.
3. Not really sure what you are referring to here. Already adressed academics and learning the offense is discussed in the next point.
4. This is what has me the most excited about ACS. From the sound of things, when ACS was up here in the spring to watch a scrimmage, he sat in on the QB's meeting and had more input than any of the current 3 QB's that were competing in spring ball. He really seemed to have the new playbook down very, very well. Add in the fact that he is in Laramie this summer and now actually get to run the plays live with the same players he will be competing with in the games, and I don't think he will be behind at all as far as the mental part of the offense goes.
5. This may be your best point. There is a definite change in speed of the game when moving from high school to D1 college football. However, I believe this summer and fall should be enough to get him adjusted to the speed of the game.
I should have clarified "smarter" more - learn the college game. I'm sure there are tons of packages that an opposing defensive coordinator would love to throw at a true freshman that I doubt he's seen before. Is there a big difference between game experience and practice experience? You bet. But I'll take the redshirt freshman with a year practicing than a kid straight out of high school - whether he's there for the summer or not.

As for academics - if he's a an awesome student - great! Get him in the classroom, get him taking classes, so that by the time he's a senior, he's finishing up his degree with one or two classes and can focus on football.

This isn't a slam on ACS - far from it. But common sense says that he'll be that much better if he sits for a year.
The Real UW - I agree, PLAY THE BEST, PERIOD. But I would think a 4th yr starter or an All-American JUCO could QB & lead this team better that a true freshman. Agreed, our QB play must improve, and I believe with the current coaching staff we will get it. Starting a true freshman at QB wouldn't give me much hope for 2009, there just isn't enough help on offense this year, maybe in future years.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we have ACS and look forward to him playing. I just think, starting as a true freshman for THIS team in 2009 would be damn hard, BUT, I'd love for ACS to prove me wrong and play at an All-Conference level!

I wouldn't play him just to get him more experience for next year either. That seems to be a waste. If he is noticably better than the rest, he should play, unless the season is already lost then we may want to save the eligibility.

If ACS is the best = PLAY HIM, unless the season is already lost.

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