The post even asking the question on the other board is one of the most ridiculous, indiotic, moronic posts I've seen in quite some time. Especially if you are aware of the history of the poster. Afterall, he has a history of criticizing any cowboy team that doesn't excell and complains about the "product on the field/court," on a pretty consistent basis. I even agree with some of those posts. However, when a team improves the product on the field and takes a step forward in improving the program, he criticizes the wisdom of accepting a bowl bid? Wow!
I honestly think this guy posts not for the sake of discussion but rather a pathetic cry for attention. I guess like every parent who has a 6,7,8,9, 10-year-old kid that consistently acts the fool, we can all hope this he eventually grows up.
Enough of my name-calling, here are several reasons why the post and his ascertion that "a trainer or tudor," will lose their job if UW goes to a bowl game, is so ridiculous.
1. As discussed on this site, Wyoming receives somewhere between $260K to $1 million as part of the TCU BCS bowl participation, plus a much smaller chunk of change from our own bowl participation (I'm not completely sure how this all works, but I think ticket revenue is involved on our end.)
2. Each state agency, UW included can present a supplemental budget request to the Governor. If approved by the Governor the budget goes on to the legislature for final approval. Granted the economy is not the best right now, however, it is my understanding that similar requests (Sullivan, I believe) have been granted. 3. Last year we were able to find $600K to buy out Joe Glenn and $60 for the CBI game. Did that money come from the Utah BCS game, Cowboy Joe Club or where? Is there money still available?