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Anybody else like MST3K?

Wyokie said:

WHAT THE HE!! are you guys talking about?!
Mystery Science Theater 3000. A show that makes fun of horrible "B" movies. Very funny, and about 10 seasons to laugh out loud to. :thumb:
fromolwyoming said:
Wyokie said:

WHAT THE HE!! are you guys talking about?!
Mystery Science Theater 3000. A show that makes fun of horrible "B" movies. Very funny, and about 10 seasons to laugh out loud to. :thumb:

Were they sock puppets? Or do you just see their shadow or something? So...they are the Beavis and Butthead of "B" movies?
laxwyo said:
fromolwyoming said:
Wyokie said:

WHAT THE HE!! are you guys talking about?!
Mystery Science Theater 3000. A show that makes fun of horrible "B" movies. Very funny, and about 10 seasons to laugh out loud to. :thumb:

Were they sock puppets? Or do you just see their shadow or something? So...they are the Beavis and Butthead of "B" movies?
Here, let the show do the talking for me.
Just follow the links with Rocketship X-M 2/10, 3/10, etc.
First episode with TV's Frank (best part of the series). And the show itself is supposed to be a parody of B movies.
Its funny that this was brought up. I just downloaded all episodes last night and hadn't seen this thread :lol: