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Any Burman Updates

I honestly haven't followed ad contract situations. I'm guessing they'll announce something relatively soon?
One only has to look at the track record, to make a logical decision. So, in other words, contract extension for 6 years coming (takes him to 65 I believe).
One only has to look at the track record, to make a logical decision. So, in other words, contract extension for 6 years coming (takes him to 65 I believe).
I'm still holding out hope there is a promotion to the foundation or something. Still gets him to 65 and we get a new ad.

I know. I know.
I think today was a payday, I think UW pays monthly, so $551k / 12 so he should have picked up about $48k for last month of "work". Which basically entailed going to the legislature and asking them for $1.8 million to continue funding a floudering program.
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Seeing the thread title gave me hope. Reading the posts, not so much. Any kind of raise or extension would not be based on merit. If there is ever a change, the person next up would probably be based on nepotism. That seems to be UW’s MO nowadays.
Time for new blood but this state believes in the good ol boys club...unfortunately...maybe some day we'll get a new AD while we're still D1, for whatever difference that makes

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