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Announcement and Press Conference?


Well-known member
Its Monday night now. A full business and school day has passes since multiple huge sources have announced its a done deal. ESPN, Casper Star Trib, Boomerang, and even the University of Missouri is confirming and making plans for the near future regarding DC. What the hell is the University of Wyoming doing?? Burman did an excellent job of moving swiftly to get a man in here, basically a week, and that is very important to maintain some stability. So why drag this on, and loose the benefit of the swiftness? There is absolutely no reason not to announce this today. Missouri is moving forward, Dave Christensen is moving forward, and as usual UW is sitting on its hands. We all know he is the coach. All of the players know he is the coach, and everyone at UW knows he is the coach, but we need to have a presser to finalize this situation, and I think everyone wants to hear him speak as to his plans for UW after Missouri has finished in January.
We're waiting Tom and Tom...
See my post, UW has sent an email to the press, but the press conference will be "in the coming weeks." So I assume that the athletics website will post, but Burman won't introduce him until HCDC is done with the Big 12 Championship.

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