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An Open Letter to Wyoming Athletic Director Tom Burman

MrTitleist said:
Did you actually send this to Burman?

No I didn't do you think I should?

When I covered NASCAR I called out a few owners and drivers in my day but never sent directly to them, I guess that is the reporter in me. But if you all think I should I will.
Great fantastic superb letter. Please send to AD and cc to all trustees at UW. Maybe a copy to every legislator in Cheyenne right now..
Well, my thought is... the chances of the AD reading your letter as is, on a blog on the web, is slim. His inbox would more likely get read. Posting it on a blog without sending it to an inbox is just another fan anonymously bitching, but sending it to his inbox will have a bigger impact. Just my :twocents:
Send it to him. Since I'm the first quote I really think its the best thing ever written :lol:

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