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Alford reprimanded by the MWC


Well-known member

Pretty funny deal, IMO. I have a couple of thoughts:

1. Tavernari is a punk, a whiner, and the team crybaby. He was definitely forced to apologize by the bWHYu AD (or he wouldn't have, guaranteed).

2. Alford is a classless jerk. Calling an opposing athlete an a-hole (even though he is) is just idiotic. I will never forget him jumping around in the AA after last years NM win vs. UW, like he just won the world series or something. It was sweet when the Pokes beat NM in the MWC tourney after that...revenge!

3. How are the bWHYu fans allowed to throw crap on the floor at the opposing team without reprecussion? Had it happened here, CSewe, or basically anywhere else but Utah, all hell would have broken loose. Unreal, and nice double standards the MWC has for its darlings.
"I will never forget him jumping around in the AA after last years NM win vs. UW, like he just won the world series or something."

Funny how certain things stand out in our memory. I had pretty much the same thoughts this year when Schroyer ran out onto the floor at the end of a game (can't remember which game it was) with both his arms upraised acting like he had just won the heavyweight championship of the world. Frankly, that memory is probably about all I will retain from this season and probably that incident along with his antics on the sidelines will more than likely be my most retained memories of Schroyer.

Have to agree that Alford as an individual is lacking in class but as a coach I would much rather have him coaching my team than our current occupant of that seat. I like the coach who gives credit to his players both in his comments and in his actions instead of one who draws the focus to himself/herself.

OT but I got to thinking during the Cowgirls game against Utah how officiating has gone down hill over the years and how officials now not only let the coach yell an scream at them but have accepted it as apparent common practice to let players do the same. What I am referring to is that Utah star, Whiffle or Whipple or something like that) running down the floor looking back at a referree and twice screaming at him both times because a lack of a call. I admit that referees sometimes make bad calls but for the most part they do a fairly good job; my main concern is that they be consistent. IMHO this Utah star as treated pretty well by the officials (I thought there were a couple of instances where she clearly could have been called for fouls but then I saw instances where in somewhat similar situations Wyo. players were not called for very similar looking actions). But I think officials are letting it go a little too far when they allow players to yell at them; especially when it involves looking back twice and yelling twice. In my thinking maybe a lot of the so-called officiating is due to the lackness of officials in giving warnings and calling not technicals on a coach or a player.
wylrae said:
What I am referring to is that Utah star, Whiffle or Whipple or something like that) running down the floor looking back at a referree and twice screaming at him both times because a lack of a call.

Saw that one myself. I couldn't believe they let her get away with that.

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