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A good preview of the Pokes for 2010

This is one of the better previews I have seen. This person seems to have done their homework. Very objective.
Brew_Poke said:
Hey, that was a good writeup, thanks for posting.

No problem. If I find any others, I'll post the links.

If anyone else finds any, post the links.
Was a pretty nice breakdown of it all, but just like pretty much every other thing written by an outsider, contained a few errors:
In hindsight, a 24-0 loss at home to Colorado in September was especially sour.

Pretty sure we played CU here in Boulder. And it wasn't that sour, because that game let ACS into the picture as the starter. If it had been a closer game where we scored, it would have completely changed the season, and probably for the worse.

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