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7 additional elected trustees for a total of 19?

I think freedom caucus is going to propose expanding bot by 7 members who will be elected and not appointed by governor
If it’s the freedom caucus behind it I don’t support it. Their aim is to abolish education and live in caves.

We need BOT members from outside Wyoming, honestly. There are not enough top tier people residing in Wyoming to guide us where we want to go
I guess there is a chance some would be elected that would demand or pressure for improvement in athletics without hurting the university.

I think the risk of damage is far greater. I think general initiatives for direction of the bot is OK, but let the bot decide how to implement. The idea of more connection between WYO residents/voters and UW initiatives isn't terrible but I'm not sure this proposal is the best approach.
The adage that comes to mind is "too many cooks spoil the broth". I do think that the selection of BOT needs more attention but do not believe expansion of its size is a good solution.

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