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I'm waffling between 4 and five wins...I think this staff will find ways to lose games, not the other way around....that finish with 4 home games is going to be rough from a weather standpoint.

The only outcome that results in a fanbase that is "over the moon" with Sawvell is a championship game appearance....maybe a third place finish results in more positive than negative sentiment I suppose. After this last season the people paying attention don't think he's any good and the casual fans say something along the lines that it is "too early to tell". If we somehow beat Utah and CSU as two of the four home wins you are predicting, I can see some of the "too early to tell" folks getting on board, but in the absence of really being in the conference championship hunt, I don't see people suddenly being pleased w/him.
I'll bet if he hits 7 wins, he'll be pretty popular
I'll bet if he hits 7 wins, he'll be pretty popular
That may be...I still don't think "over the moon" is going to happen without a championship game appearance...but if he wins a lot of the home games including a victory against CSU to get to 7 wins, that would move a lot of people who are not sold yet. I'll go so far as to say if he's able to wring 7 wins out of next year, that will definitely overperform my expectations.
I have no expectations or idea how next season will go. What I do know is that 2025 will be another year where forces beyond Wyoming's control will have more of an impact on our future in college sports than anything that happens on the field. Until the reshuffling ,consolidation and figuring out how deal with changes in college sports including NIL, Wyoming like the vast majority of schools will struggle just to keep up.

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