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2 new recruits


Doctson is a 3 star recruit. Big get, he is six three and good speed.
I like the WR, we need some good WR, I am really liking this class. Get a couple more hogmollies and big nasties and it will be a complete class. I am kind of surprised that we are not going after a K or P with a big leg redshirt him and then he would replace McCoy and be a long field goal kicker with Watts being used for shorter field goals. We should be able to get a kicker that can kick it a mile at 7220.
Holy Crap! DC is really getting kids this year. In truth, it's only his 2nd full shot at recruiting. Pittser is ranked higher than what ACS was, plus we have a 3 star WR. I don't think we've had one yet. I know the starts don't mean squat, but ACS was our highest rated and he's been pretty good.