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Staff member
I know this year the team is passing #12 around to the players to wear every week. Are they going to do this for the duration for Ruben's 4 years?

If not, they should.
I know they are doing it for this year. And the only thing I know that they will be doing for the next 4 will be having #12 on their helmets.
it gives me goosebumps every week, lately whoever is in that number has an unreal game, AA is very explosive and scary fast
gopokes1399 said:
it gives me goosebumps every week, lately whoever is in that number has an unreal game, AA is very explosive and scary fast
Yep. Against teams like SDSU and the what not who are more around our level, he does pretty well. Especially this last game with a career high in rushing. Now if only we can get an O-line that will open up gaps for him.