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Carta Samuels has left program...

by Fullback41 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:26 pm
very disappointed because i was a huge acs fan, thought he fought his tail off, no lack of effort on the field....BUT if we win 8 games next year i wont care who is at qb.

8 wins was my expectation level at the end of the season and i still feel anything less will be a dissappointment. i still think DC can get it done, but no free passes due to defections.

Got to agree here. I'm not dumping on ACS, but he was the leader of the #116th offense in the country last year. Now it's true that the schedule was brutal and he is only 1 of 11 kids on the field at a time, but still, his performance was not even close to his freshman year. Not sure what kind of indicator that is or isn't, but if DC is going to build a tough winning Wyoming football program, then the players better be able to handle his style or find a place they can handle. Personally, I think a tough coach is good for a team at this level. In HS, my coach was tough and it paid off with 2 state championships out of 3 years.
Cheywypoke said:
It will sure be interesting to see where ACS end up. I can't really see it at a big time program. Sure, he'll be like a JC transfer with two years of D1 experience, but most big time program recruit QBs as freshmen then kind of bring them along through the program until their ready to play jr. or sr. year. I'm sure there are exceptions - didn't Cam Newton do something similar? Anyway, I'm thinking San Jose St. or a similar type school is where he'll probably end up.
Yes, Cam Newton did something similar, he left Florida to go to a JC. Then he came right back to D1 and as we know, lead his team to a NC. In FCS Delaware's QB did the same thing, almost. He left Penn State and lead Delaware to the FCS NC game (they lost). Both of these QB's will be drafted. There and many other examples and many other positions, but these two stand out to me as they were both in NC games this year and left big time programs to get the opportunity. ACS, if he wants, will be back in a D1 program as will Gary and Watts. Along with AA these were our 4 most decorated players in our freshman class from two seasons ago. Now we're down to one. Interesting to see if Pittser shows up this weekend in Colorado.