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Gordon has an interesting take.

he's so spineless

interesting the ACLU opposed this legislation and mentioned Title IX when females should be suing under title IX to get boys out of their sports
LanderPoke said:
Someone help me out here... sorry.

I imagine it's Gordon's not signing nor vetoing of the bill banning boys claiming to be girls from playing girls sports and his subsequent limp wristed statement.
laxwyo said:
LanderPoke said:
Someone help me out here... sorry.

I imagine it's Gordon's not signing nor vetoing of the bill banning boys claiming to be girls from playing girls sports and his subsequent limp wristed statement.
Well, what did anyone expect from him
Sorry - but for me personally, whatever sex you are born as, is what you should be identified as, when it comes to athletics at any level.
McPeachy said:
Sorry - but for me personally, whatever the deed you are born as, is what you should be identified as, when it comes to athletics at any level.

Amazing how in today's world you can be labeled a bigot for such thoughts. Title IX was put in place for a reason.
ragtimejoe1 said:
McPeachy said:
Sorry - but for me personally, whatever the deed you are born as, is what you should be identified as, when it comes to athletics at any level.

Amazing how in today's world you can be labeled a bigot for such thoughts. Title IX was put in place for a reason.

Yep, and it is so damn sad. Pathetic in fact.
McPeachy said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
Amazing how in today's world you can be labeled a bigot for such thoughts. Title IX was put in place for a reason.

Yep, and it is so damn sad. Pathetic in fact.

All those who voted Biden, are in support of and responsible for this.
ragtimejoe1 said:
McPeachy said:
Sorry - but for me personally, whatever the deed you are born as, is what you should be identified as, when it comes to athletics at any level.

Amazing how in today's world you can be labeled a bigot for such thoughts. Title IX was put in place for a reason.

I don't understand how NCAA and high schools aren't being crushed by Title IX violations letting boys play in girls sports, especially considering girls are losing out on becoming All Americans, losing scholarships etc.

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