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Jeff Linder Statement

laxwyo said:
wyosports said:
I really do not disagree with anything you said above, but it is concerning that there does not seem to be any coaches with college experience licking their chops to work for Linder. On a different note, I had a friend reach out to me about Texas BB and coach McClain, his comment to me was, is there a asst. coach who coaches harder than he does. I had to lol. It was interesting to read his bio on the Texas site, 9 years, 152-118, back-to-back conference champs, one of only two coaches in UW history to have three 20-win seasons in a row. I had a chance years ago to sit next to coach Mac on a plane from Phoenix to Denver and he talked about what a missed opportunity it was when he was let go. He told me that he often thought about how things could have been with a back court of Brandon, Brad and a guy named Alex Burke who was committed to him and then went to CU, at the time he was on his way to recruit a kid from the same AAU program named O.G. Anunoby. They both played in the NBA. I asked my friend if in hindsight would Burman still fire him knowing now what the last 20 years were going to be like, unfortunately we both thought he still would!


were the four season that got him fired. In hindsight its odd that he was let go after improving to 17-15 after a 14-18 season. You'd think the improvement would have gotten him another.

I feel like if we fired Bohl we'd be in the same boat, but then I'd be accused of accepting mediocrity
It was the run to the conference tournament championship game that saved McClain's bacon after the 14-18 season
LanderPoke said:
laxwyo said:

were the four season that got him fired. In hindsight its odd that he was let go after improving to 17-15 after a 14-18 season. You'd think the improvement would have gotten him another.

I feel like if we fired Bohl we'd be in the same boat, but then I'd be accused of accepting mediocrity
It was the run to the conference tournament championship game that saved McClain's bacon after the 14-18 season

In conference for McClain's last 4 years:

'03-'04, 4-10, 7th (of 8)
'04-'05, 7-7, 5th (of 8)
'05-'06, 5-11, 7th (of 9)
'06-'07, 7-9, 5th (of 9)

He pulled a Joe Glenn....finish in the bottom half of the conference for long enough ... you get the boot. Overall record is a bit misleading I think. Our non-conference basketball has often given us a lot of cheap wins. As far as overall winning stretches for Wyoming basketball...he presided over one of the high points though.

Overall best stretches for Wyoming coaches in the modern era in terms of raw wins:

1. Jim Brandenburg had two, two year peaks....95 wins in four seasons.

2. Larry Shyatt from '11 to '15 .....84 wins in four seasons

3. Steve McClain from '99 to '03 .... 82 wins
LanderPoke said:
laxwyo said:

were the four season that got him fired. In hindsight its odd that he was let go after improving to 17-15 after a 14-18 season. You'd think the improvement would have gotten him another.

I feel like if we fired Bohl we'd be in the same boat, but then I'd be accused of accepting mediocrity
It was the run to the conference tournament championship game that saved McClain's bacon after the 14-18 season

Justin Williams triple double, right?
laxwyo said:
LanderPoke said:
It was the run to the conference tournament championship game that saved McClain's bacon after the 14-18 season

Justin Williams triple double, right?
Think so. It was he one in Denver. IIRC he was set to be fired after the conclusion of the season, then he went on a run to the championship game lol
After a couple beers tonight I was thinking about some of my favorite cowboys during Mac’s days at UW. There are some all time greats in my opinion. Her are just a few, Ugo, Uche’(spelling sorry) , Richardson, Williams, Mingo, Brandon, Brad, and two of my favorites Davis, and J Straight. ( led us to our last win in the NCAA tournament. True freshman going against one of the best college guards and teams in Gonzaga.)
wyosports said:
After a couple beers tonight I was thinking about some of my favorite cowboys during Mac’s days at UW. There are some all time greats in my opinion. Her are just a few, Ugo, Uche’(spelling sorry) , Richardson, Williams, Mingo, Brandon, Brad, and two of my favorites Davis, and J Straight. ( led us to our last win in the NCAA tournament. True freshman going against one of the best college guards and teams in Gonzaga.)

You missed one of the best...Marcus Bailey. That South Carolina game changed everything...........
Wow, you are so right! How could I miss him. Probably drank a few more beers than I realized tonight. One of the best pokes of all time.
wyosports said:
Wow, you are so right! How could I miss him. Probably drank a few more beers than I realized tonight. One of the best pokes of all time.

Had Bailey not got a season ending injury, we would have won the conference that year. Even without him, we were close. But yeah, Josh Davis - remember seeing him as a freshman thinking he was going to be great. That was a long time ago.
PokeTransplant said:
wyosports said:
After a couple beers tonight I was thinking about some of my favorite cowboys during Mac’s days at UW. There are some all time greats in my opinion. Her are just a few, Ugo, Uche’(spelling sorry) , Richardson, Williams, Mingo, Brandon, Brad, and two of my favorites Davis, and J Straight. ( led us to our last win in the NCAA tournament. True freshman going against one of the best college guards and teams in Gonzaga.)

You missed one of the best...Marcus Bailey. That South Carolina game changed everything...........

I hated South Carolina with a burning passion from that day forward. Then I met my wife. Guess where she went to school...
On second thought, Ewing was one of our better players in my opinion, but he will never again be mentioned by me, much less as one of my favorites.

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