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LanderPoke said:
LawPoke said:
I don't disagree Lander. I still think that WR recruiting and our WR coach are huge weak links. Sure, they found Neyor, but we need a talent upgrade, a coaching upgrade, and a scheme upgrade in the passing game if we are going to sniff a championship. I'd say the same also goes for QB. I am a simpleton in the world of football coaching and recruiting, but I wonder if Polasek is really a top drawer QB coach - or even serviceable. Watching our QBs this year and last, I would say he is not.
Oh yeah, the offense is beyond repair and I have no illusions that any of that will change. 6 wins on the back of a good running game and stout defense, rinse, repeat. I see that as entirely possible even with the transfers that have occurred.

I agree. I don't see how we have any hope of getting our offense scoring without a major scheme overhaul. Even then I could take a few years. Not much talent outside of RB, TE, and OL.

The thing that keeps me from throwing in the towel on this coach is the defense. I'd hate to give that up just to get another Dave Christensen type.
The more I am watching the transfer portal mess, The more I realize that we are not that different than anyone else. Last year was an anomaly. This year so many teams are getting gutted. Even starters that are on national competing teams.
djm19 said:
The more I am watching the transfer portal mess, The more I realize that we are not that different than anyone else. Last year was an anomaly. This year so many teams are getting gutted. Even starters that are on national competing teams.

Very few "schools" win the portal game. Only those with really deep pockets / NIL money enjoy this crap.
Yea, last year there were some actual issues that contributed to the higher amount of transfers, but overall this is just the way it's gonna be now.

At least for a couple years. I doubt it'll be this way perpetually, because eventually kids are gonna figure out it's not worth it. Over 1,000 kids in the portal so far this time as of yesterday. Most of them aren't gonna find starting spots at a place of relevance (most didn't last year). The overall mentality will shift eventually, but it's gonna take some time.
And now Braasch is gone. Jesus they are going to have to pull someone out of the stands to run the ball in Tucson.
Braasch made a big mistake entering the portal before the bowl game. He stood to dominate touches and showcase his talent. He still could have entered portal after. I’d guess he doesn’t end up with an FBS scholly. Perplexing. Someone gave him poor advice. Perhaps Titus is in his ear. Unbelievable.
Other teams in conference are getting killed by the portal minus Air Force which makes sense.

OrediggerPoke said:
Braasch made a big mistake entering the portal before the bowl game. He stood to dominate touches and showcase his talent. He still could have entered portal after. I’d guess he doesn’t end up with an FBS scholly. Perplexing. Someone gave him poor advice. Perhaps Titus is in his ear. Unbelievable.

We almost just have to laugh at this point.
Notice who isn't transferring? None of the local guys. Have some level of pride or loyalty.
I am so torn on coaching. 99% of the time Craig drives me crazy, but not caving to players isn't always a bad thing.
It isn’t a bad thing when they’re wrong. When they’re right, not caving just makes you a stubborn asshole that cares more about having it your way than actually winning. This is Bohls problem in a nutshell. Let’s not forget this isn’t some private enterprise where a boss, for better or worse, has every right to run something into the ground. Bohl is the highest paid public employee in the state, I believe he’s the highest paid coach in the conference, and he’s coaching at a public university. His truly insane stubbornness has no place in that context. I appreciate people calling him out. His job should be to win as many football games as possible and run a respectable program that reflects well on the state. His job is not to lose games he could win so he can stay within some bullshit blueprint of what “cowboy tough” is supposed to be.
We will never know who is "wrong." That's the problem.

Both sides I'm sure are at fault.
bullbugle307 said:
It isn’t a bad thing when they’re wrong. When they’re right, not caving just makes you a stubborn asshole that cares more about having it your way than actually winning. This is Bohls problem in a nutshell. Let’s not forget this isn’t some private enterprise where a boss, for better or worse, has every right to run something into the ground. Bohl is the highest paid public employee in the state, I believe he’s the highest paid coach in the conference, and he’s coaching at a public university. His truly insane stubbornness has no place in that context. I appreciate people calling him out. His job should be to win as many football games as possible and run a respectable program that reflects well on the state. His job is not to lose games he could win so he can stay within some [#]sh#t blueprint of what “cowboy tough” is supposed to be.

This x1,000.

I am sick of kid gloves. For the most part, our media is petrified of Bohl and either can't or won't challenge him like I've seen other coaches dinged by the media. For the most part, our fans sit back and love the idea of going to the Tater Bowl or any other MW Bowl and don't expect anything more. We are on the cornice of access to the friggin' PLAYOFF. Be Top 12 - you are in. Top 12 is doable, even in the MoWest. We either need to get busy competing or accept the reality that we really don't want to truly compete in FBS. If we had our poop together, we could beat App State, Texas and Texas Tech next year and have a real shot at being the G5 leader in the clubhouse - starting with building momentum by kicking the dog crap out of Ohio in the Arizona Bowl and solidifying our young roster. But no. We let the loss at Boise and all that happened after it destroy what we had. Partially because we have a terribly stubborn head coach that doesn't know how to defuse a terribly emotional and frustrating situation. Never has. Never will. His "my way or the highway" schtick is wearing thin on me, and I don't deal with him (no less every day). We are also in this situation partially because we had a wanna-be prima donna that is burning the house down after he moves out. Can't control that, except on the front end and no one could see that coming at the time Titus was recruited. Either way, beating App State, TX and TTU aren't considerations for most...heck Portland State could be a dogfight.

Bottom line - this is a time for choosing. Do we want to be FBS competitors, or do we just want the participation trophy? If the former, I'm in. If the latter, let's spare ourselves this annual refrain and drop to FCS. This purgatory of forced false elation with Tater and Barstool Bowls is frustrating and depressing. I'd rather be excited about a path to becoming a champion in FCS than watch Bohl get french fried dumped on his bald dome ever again.
Does anybody actually want to drop down to FCS? I understand there is an argument out there that we should, but even the folks that make that argument would rather be FBS ... Just not FBS where we are in a competitive purgatory for ever and ever.
307bball said:
Does anybody actually want to drop down to FCS? I understand there is an argument out there that we should, but even the folks that make that argument would rather be FBS ... Just not FBS where we are in a competitive purgatory for ever and ever.

This sums it up perfectly. No one wants it, but at some point you have to question where we really belong vs where we want to be.
307bball said:
Does anybody actually want to drop down to FCS? I understand there is an argument out there that we should, but even the folks that make that argument would rather be FBS ... Just not FBS where we are in a competitive purgatory for ever and ever.

I don’t want to go FCS, but I personally see FCS and a shot at a championship as better and more exciting than Tater Bowls. We either double down - across all of UW - or be what we are right now but in a place that doesn’t demand as much investment. We are in neutral or slow reverse. We are in purgatory and no one is doing what really needs done to get us out.
marcuswyo said:
Other teams in conference are getting killed by the portal minus Air Force which makes sense.


I poked around a little bit on transfers for other MW foes. Outside of Colorado State, most of these teams are losing backups/minimal production type guys. No one appears to have lost 4 starters and the production we have. And I would venture to guess, that there are more to come.

I stand by my opinion that something is going on in Laramie that isn't healthy. While the number of transfers are high for our MW peers, they aren't losing the production we are (unless there are coaching changes). One of the things Bohl gets credit for is stability in the Program; when you look at it from a transfer/portal perspective, we might be one of the least stable programs in the MW.
PokeNer said:
marcuswyo said:
Other teams in conference are getting killed by the portal minus Air Force which makes sense.


I poked around a little bit on transfers for other MW foes. Outside of Colorado State, most of these teams are losing backups/minimal production type guys. No one appears to have lost 4 starters and the production we have. And I would venture to guess, that there are more to come.

I stand by my opinion that something is going on in Laramie that isn't healthy. While the number of transfers are high for our MW peers, they aren't losing the production we are (unless there are coaching changes). One of the things Bohl gets credit for is stability in the Program; when you look at it from a transfer/portal perspective, we might be one of the least stable programs in the MW.

I agree. The CSewe losses were bound to happen considering what Norvell did and how he approached constructing his team last year. Perhaps it is a credit to Bohl that these guys develop under his watch to the point where they emerge as P5-level talent. Certainly, quite a few of the guys that left last year that made rosters in Norman, LA, Austin, and other high-level programs could be seen to indicate as much. But those that didn't make a roster or took a step down or lateral - why? I know each kid's circumstance is different, but I don't get the moves by Cobbs, Victor Jones, Ravontae Holt, Glinton, Blankenbaker, etc.

Bohl is stubborn. Bohl's offensive philosophy is a horrible draw for WR and QB talent, which is made worse by less than mediocre WR and QB coaches, and has caused a visible divide on the team in 2023 (Swen, defensive players, etc.). Get a modern offense and better WR and QB coaches and we might start to mitigate the impact of the porthole.
LawPoke said:
307bball said:
Does anybody actually want to drop down to FCS? I understand there is an argument out there that we should, but even the folks that make that argument would rather be FBS ... Just not FBS where we are in a competitive purgatory for ever and ever.

I don’t want to go FCS, but I personally see FCS and a shot at a championship as better and more exciting than Tater Bowls. We either double down - across all of UW - or be what we are right now but in a place that doesn’t demand as much investment. We are in neutral or slow reverse. We are in purgatory and no one is doing what really needs done to get us out.

Given that Wyoming has been a founding member of two conferences, I suggest there's another way- recruit other (preferably high-achieving) G5 programs, and, perhaps some FCS programs, and preemptively spilt from the NCAA and P5 FBS. Use an FCS playoff model as your cornerstone, create an oversight organization with real teeth, push TV and donor money into a clearinghouse model, make leaving for a P5 a one-way valve while marketing to P5 players...

It's a big project, not guaranteed to succeed, but, long-term, it's probably the best shot the G5's (and maybe some of the doormat P5s) have a football future. There is strength in numbers, and the G5 (+) holds that advantage.
Wyovanian said:
LawPoke said:
I don’t want to go FCS, but I personally see FCS and a shot at a championship as better and more exciting than Tater Bowls. We either double down - across all of UW - or be what we are right now but in a place that doesn’t demand as much investment. We are in neutral or slow reverse. We are in purgatory and no one is doing what really needs done to get us out.

Given that Wyoming has been a founding member of two conferences, I suggest there's another way- recruit other (preferably high-achieving) G5 programs, and, perhaps some FCS programs, and preemptively spilt from the NCAA and P5 FBS. Use an FCS playoff model as your cornerstone, create an oversight organization with real teeth, push TV and donor money into a clearinghouse model, make leaving for a P5 a one-way valve while marketing to P5 players...

It's a big project, not guaranteed to succeed, but, long-term, it's probably the best shot the G5's (and maybe some of the doormat P5s) have a football future. There is strength in numbers, and the G5 (+) holds that advantage.
Splitting from the NCAA would be really stupid. Football is a very small piece. The money we get for the basketball tournament dwarfs the football money.

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