I'm utterly repulsed by you politically correct and utopia minded little women on this board masquerading as legitimate men with a clue.
I'm floored by the liberal tinge so often expressed here...what are you doing in THIS state?
And you call yourselves Cowboys?
If this were 1875 you'd be coming to me to not only kill your food, but to skin and gut it, quarter it, and maybe even cook it over a fire before serving it to your pansy-ass faces.
Lets get something straight here: I'm not here to impress you or to seek your fucking approval, got that?
I sense your pathetic women like weakness and I aim to expose you for all of your feminine ways...you're too easy however, pointing out your warped and 'sensitive' nature is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Do not get in front of me, for I will crush you without a single thought of hesitation.
Any women in your lives must look upon many of you as simpleton's, takers, inadequate and feeble, pitiful, little boys, who wouldn't have a clue about the real world if the entire planet were to someday fall on your dimwitted heads.
It's clear I'm dealing with incompetents, instead of engaging myself with fearlessly independent trailblazers who are truly emblematic of the rich history and image of not only this state itself, but the spirit of the west as well.
I weep for your miserable lives.
You know, people from Wyoming generally have a "live and let live" kind of attitude, in that so long as whatever you're doing isn't hurting anyone, it's your buisiness. Until someone tries and tells us that how we're living is wrong. And right now you're starting to push it a bit. You seem to think that everything Wyoming is a Western movie, despite living in Cheyenne. Wyoming is known as not on the Cowboy State, but the equality state. You know why? Not only were we the first to give women the right to vote, but being a Cowboy, a person's political views, religion, or anything else, doesn't matter. It's showing up and doing your job the right way. A few things we don't really appreciate, are as follows;
1. Out of staters trying to come in and change our way of life to that of East Coast or West Coast life.
2. Out of stater's making the assumption that we are all "rough and tumble brawlers," that will punch you in the face for the slightest little thing. That's only Friday and Staturday nights when BYU fans come to town.
3. People calling us backwoods hicks with shotguns (the Matthew Shepard murder back in 1998 and the media bias in reporting it did NOTHING to help that, quite the opposite).
Right now, you're pushing #2 and almost trying to fit into #3.
We get rid of popcorn boy and now this guy goes on a rant (again) after being asked, ASKED not to post politics in the football forum.