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Well-known member
Thanks for stepping up to try to clean this message board up, it has completely lost its way the last month or so. The insults and in-fighting is embarrassing and you are doing the right thing even though you're gonna get crap about it (unsurprisingly by the same people who are constantly bickering).
BackHarlowRoad said:
Thanks for stepping up to try to clean this message board up, it has completely lost its way the last month or so. The insults and in-fighting is embarrassing and you are doing the right thing even though you're gonna get crap about it (unsurprisingly by the same people who are constantly bickering).
I'm all in on this one! +1 :thumb:
I've noticed a lot more fighting among members of other fan boards lately too. So it's not just wyonation. I don't visit them as often as I was because it's so negative. There is one board where one of the big donors of a program will post sometimes and gets called a troll etc. by some other posters who don't realize who he is. That's life....

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