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Playoff baseball

Love Josh, but Ohtani is on another level than Allen. Josh is 1 of the best players in NFL, Ohtani is, by far, the best current baseball player in the world.
How can you cheer for the evil empire
The only reason the Yanks ended up with that "moniker" is the annual budget & spending on players and staff (that others don't do, or refuse to do - see the Monforts for instance). Pretty sure that title now belongs to the Mets, but LA with it's Ohtani deferred comp, far exceeds anyone else in MLB spending.

It is embarrassing the number of ownership groups that don't want to pay to play - and are satisfied taking as much income out of their organizations as they can, while investing basically nothing.

You'll never catch me rooting for an NYC team. Their accents are stupid and their attitudes are worse
Hey Fuck You!


Fan interference on a foul ball...an automatic out. You would think the way some folks are reacting to what happened like they pulled gun and shot Dookie in the taint. BFD. But I digress, fuck the Dodgers.
I respectfully disagree. I never seen anything like that in my life

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