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Fulmer done at Tennessee...good or bad?


Well-known member
It appears that Fulmer is done at season's end in Tennessee. Any thoughts on how this announcement will effect the game on Saturday? I don't think it will have much if any. It is already homecoming for the Vols, and they have to be looking at us as a team they can try to beat up on. I think Fulmers resignations will be a bigger factor in their final game of the season than it will Saturday against the Pokes.

It will be interesting to see how we play on Saturday. The rushing game looked solid as it has all season, and Stutz and Stewart looked like they have some chemistry when they get a chance to stretch the field. Would have liked to see us work on the passing game a little more against SDSU, but with the confidence we gained I think we have a shot to at least keep it close it Tennessee.

Snowman_55 said:
It appears that Fulmer is done at season's end in Tennessee. Any thoughts on how this announcement will effect the game on Saturday? I don't think it will have much if any. It is already homecoming for the Vols, and they have to be looking at us as a team they can try to beat up on. I think Fulmers resignations will be a bigger factor in their final game of the season than it will Saturday against the Pokes.

It will be interesting to see how we play on Saturday. The rushing game looked solid as it has all season, and Stutz and Steward looked like they have some chemistry which they get a chance to stretch the field. Would have liked to see us work on the passing game a little more against SDSU, but with the confidence we gained I think we have a shot to at least keep it close it Tennessee.


Hmmm...that is an interesting twist. Could go either direction really...the troops fold, or they rally.
I think it is definitely very bad, unless there is a serious disconnect between the coaches and the players I am sure they will want to rally around him.
The players in Knoxville are way beyond mad; this may be the first game they’ll get fired up for this year. The way it was handled was very poor and most of the players found out about it on ESPN because the news was leaked. I look for the Vols to play their best game of the year just too bad it could not have been against Florida or Alabama.

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