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Crum making headline

It is hard to believe that article passes as journalism, even by today's standards.

It offers pretty weak evidence to back-up the sensational headline and then admits the writer doesn't actually know if the evidence he just cited is accurate or not. Wow.
Basically just calling all Christian bigots because their view on homosexuality isn't the same as theirs. You'll notice they never go after muslims or any other religion for the same thing.
Basically just calling all Christian bigots because their view on homosexuality isn't the same as theirs. You'll notice they never go after muslims or any other religion for the same thing.
We are in an interesting place in the western world where being oppressed and/or a victim is a social currency you can use to get ahead in life.

Young people growing up for the last 10-15 years have unconsciously (or maybe consciously) learned this and are constantly looking for ways to become a victim, get offended, or claim oppression. I don't necessarily blame them. Now a days, it can make you friends, get you a job/promotion, or at a minimum get people to envy you.

The next best thing to actually being oppressed or becoming a victim is to make yourself known as a person that supports those that are oppressed or a victim. Again, this is a valuable social tool that helps one gain social currency in today's western world.

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