ragtimejoe1 said:
This guy thinks cherry picking is more likely than merger.
He never really states his reasons for believing that.
It seems to me that for the cherry picking scenario to occur, it would require less than 9 MWC schools voting to dissolve the MWC and move to the PAC. If it comes to that vote, which schools in the MWC would vote 'no' and what would be their reasoning? Wyoming, Nevada, Utah State, Hawaii, and San Jose State would be crazy to vote 'no'. Those schools only other limited options would be far worse than joining the PAC. I also don't think New Mexico will have any better available alternatives.
That would mean only 3 other MWC schools would need to vote 'yes' in order to dissolve the MWC. CSU, Boise State, and SDSU have been shopping themselves to other conferences for years now - I'm not sure why they wouldn't jump at the chance to go to the PAC.
If there are MWC schools that vote 'no' simply to try to keep the MWC intact as is, they are making a massive error. The MWC days are numbered, at least as it is currently structured, and they would be essentially voting to stay on a sinking ship. As that ships sinks, their options to get off will become more and more limited - especially for schools like UW.