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Children are safe in the holly land

There are all kinds of problems behind the Zion curtain. We only hear what is allowed to be leaked out...from big brother Provostan.

I have often wondered though...do Polygamy wives Lez out? Behind closed doors........ ;)
McPeachy said:
There are all kinds of problems behind the Zion curtain. We only hear what is allowed to be leaked out...from big brother Provostan.

I have often wondered though...do Polygamy wives Lez out? Behind closed doors........ ;)
I believe oral sex is against the law in Utah, so probably not.

At least it was a few years ago.
Asmodeanreborn said:
I believe oral sex is against the law in Utah, so probably not.

At least it was a few years ago.

I googled it. Here is what I found. No shit. :lol:

"Utah state legislation outlaws all sex with anyone but your spouse. Next to that adultery, oral and anal sex, masturbation are considered sodomy and can lead to imprisonment. Sex with an animal - unless performed for profit - however is NOT considered sodomy. Polygamy - provided only the missionary position has been applied - is only a misdemeanor."
Oh, and I'm going to move this to the smack forum.. a little more appropriate there. :thumb:
Good move, MrTitleist. This kind of adolescent garbage needs to be hidden somewhere and kept off your main forum. It does nothing but bring embarrassment to UW and Wyoming.
southtexas said:
Good move, MrTitleist. This kind of adolescent garbage needs to be hidden somewhere and kept off your main forum. It does nothing but bring embarrassment to UW and Wyoming.

Get a sense of humor man! I realize all people are different, but IMO it doesn't bring ANYTHING to UW and Wyoming, embarrassment or otherwise. And if you don't like a thread or a topic, don't read it or don't respond to it...simple as that.
"So you can f##k an animal as long as you're getting paid.. am I seeing this right????"

The way I read it, you can bang an animal as long is you're NOT getting paid.