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Star-Tribune loses another beat writer

Kinda sucks.. I liked Ben.. didn't figure he'd be around too long.. young guy, lots of upward trajectory..
A friend of mine is the sports editor for the Douglas paper. Dude is the only person I know who is a bigger Wyoming fan than I am. (And has more Wyoming ink at that) I told him to get a resume in. It'd be great if he got the job, he'd be around for the long term.
That sucks. Ben was a solid balance of perspective on all topics.....not a Wyoming hater or lover.
J-Rod said:
That sucks. Ben was a solid balance of perspective on all topics.....not a Wyoming hater or lover.

He didn't have any skin in the game.. just there to do his job, good or bad news.
Ben's investigative work paid off. DC is surely happy he is leaving though.

Personally, I don't want a cheerleader as a writer. I'd rather have a journalist with an objective view. I think BF provided that. He may have been semi anti-DC, but DC did it to himself with his closed door mentality. I'd be a terrible writer about the Pokes because I have way too much personal interest in the team.
This is good news for the Cowboys. This clown had an axe to grind and he made passionate music to "cooking w/ Sal" Fritz Shurmurs daughter. Eric Schmoldt is missed compared to the garbage this Fredrickson blew. Good luck you red headed blimp.
Ben Fred was a great writer! He will be missed. They should go after a guy by the name of Greg Racach who works for the Billings Gazette as a cat/griz guy. He would be perfect
heh.. Rashac has a pretty good job at the Gazette.. his paper hits more readers than the CST does..
You never know with the pay and what not... The CST writers seem to move up in the world faster than most Gaz writers. You never know... I also said it would be a good hire not necessarily something that would happen
OrediggerPoke said:
Ben's investigative work paid off. DC is surely happy he is leaving though.

Personally, I don't want a cheerleader as a writer. I'd rather have a journalist with an objective view. I think BF provided that. He may have been semi anti-DC, but DC did it to himself with his closed door mentality. I'd be a terrible writer about the Pokes because I have way too much personal interest in the team.

if it seemed he may have not liked DC, maybe it's cuz he's a Mizzou Grad, and still stinging from when he left, just an idea
OrediggerPoke said:
Ben's investigative work paid off. DC is surely happy he is leaving though.

Personally, I don't want a cheerleader as a writer. I'd rather have a journalist with an objective view. I think BF provided that. He may have been semi anti-DC, but DC did it to himself with his closed door mentality. I'd be a terrible writer about the Pokes because I have way too much personal interest in the team.

Actually it seemed he had it out for Shyatt, but actually liked DC.

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