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Well-known member
After seeing your lack of knowledge of the term "ACS" combined with your comment for Wyo to hire Bobby Petrino really makes me question your knowledge/fanhood of the University of Wyoming. Did you even attend or are you just from Wyoming? To me, I think you are just trying to get your radio show started and picked our fans as a platform to get it popular. Good try on the recovery...but any Wyoming fan who has even watched or listened to our game since Glenn (our former coach, in case you're lost) knows what "ACS" is since he signed w the pokes. Even closer fans to the program realize that "ACS" actually stood for Austyn Carta-Scrambles from his happy feet and inability to let a play develop during his soph slump. You have me questioning your sincerity to this program when I see crap like that. Petrino? The fact that you think he's a good fit just boggles my mind. I think you want a national all-around show.

:twocents: :willybs:
dapokes said:
After seeing your lack of knowledge of the term "ACS" combined with your comment for Wyo to hire Bobby Petrino really makes me question your knowledge/fanhood of the University of Wyoming. Did you even attend or are you just from Wyoming? To me, I think you are just trying to get your radio show started and picked our fans as a platform to get it popular. Good try on the recovery...but any Wyoming fan who has even watched or listened to our game since Glenn (our former coach, in case you're lost) knows what "ACS" is since he signed w the pokes. Even closer fans to the program realize that "ACS" actually stood for Austyn Carta-Scrambles from his happy feet and inability to let a play develop during his soph slump. You have me questioning your sincerity to this program when I see crap like that. Petrino? The fact that you think he's a good fit just boggles my mind. I think you want a national all-around show.

:twocents: :willybs:

Have you not read anything about DINO? He has already said before he isn't from Wyoming. The pokes became his adopted favorite team after he lived out west in colorado. Now he lives in wyoming.
Let's just be some douchers some more to someone who wants to promote the program.
Hell I know so many people from wyoming that wouldn't know what ACS meant. And the fact you had to throw in your "what it really means is austyn carta-scrambles" is just... douchey.
Judging by your national radio show it sounds like Dino does a lot more for the team in terms of recognition than you do. What channel is your broadcast on? Oh wait, that's right...
BeaverPoke said:
dapokes said:
After seeing your lack of knowledge of the term "ACS" combined with your comment for Wyo to hire Bobby Petrino really makes me question your knowledge/fanhood of the University of Wyoming. Did you even attend or are you just from Wyoming? To me, I think you are just trying to get your radio show started and picked our fans as a platform to get it popular. Good try on the recovery...but any Wyoming fan who has even watched or listened to our game since Glenn (our former coach, in case you're lost) knows what "ACS" is since he signed w the pokes. Even closer fans to the program realize that "ACS" actually stood for Austyn Carta-Scrambles from his happy feet and inability to let a play develop during his soph slump. You have me questioning your sincerity to this program when I see crap like that. Petrino? The fact that you think he's a good fit just boggles my mind. I think you want a national all-around show.

:twocents: :willybs:

Have you not read anything about DINO? He has already said before he isn't from Wyoming. The pokes became his adopted favorite team after he lived out west in colorado. Now he lives in wyoming.
Let's just be some douchers some more to someone who wants to promote the program.
Hell I know so many people from wyoming that wouldn't know what ACS meant. And the fact you had to throw in your "what it really means is austyn carta-scrambles" is just... douchey.
Judging by your national radio show it sounds like Dino does a lot more for the team in terms of recognition than you do. What channel is your broadcast on? Oh wait, that's right...

I'll be a doucher to you if that's what you want. Let me guess, are you a Oregon State/Poke fan? What's with these hybrid, half-ass fans. I don't, nor have I EVER said I had a show. But when you can't tell me what "ACS" stands for and you start talking about the low-life Petrino...you're gonna get me pissed. You can go down under that moron category too. I can question the sincerity of someone trying to promote his own radio show...especially when he FREAKED THE HELL OUT on us when NOBODY tuned in. I was busy that night or I would've given him a shot. Since he doesn't get any calls to his radio show, maybe he should promote it a little better... might help if he doesn't freak out on EVERYONE on this board like a child. Beav, you should help him out there. Clearly I struck a nerve with you...and honestly...I could care less about hitting a soft spot with my 'douchey' rendition of what 'ACS' stood for when it was his nickname on campus for christ sake. I hit the panic button after Smith went down and it looks like I was right to do so. Keep making up shit and telling me my 'radio show' sucks. That's just..... douchey.
dapokes said:
BeaverPoke said:
dapokes said:
After seeing your lack of knowledge of the term "ACS" combined with your comment for Wyo to hire Bobby Petrino really makes me question your knowledge/fanhood of the University of Wyoming. Did you even attend or are you just from Wyoming? To me, I think you are just trying to get your radio show started and picked our fans as a platform to get it popular. Good try on the recovery...but any Wyoming fan who has even watched or listened to our game since Glenn (our former coach, in case you're lost) knows what "ACS" is since he signed w the pokes. Even closer fans to the program realize that "ACS" actually stood for Austyn Carta-Scrambles from his happy feet and inability to let a play develop during his soph slump. You have me questioning your sincerity to this program when I see crap like that. Petrino? The fact that you think he's a good fit just boggles my mind. I think you want a national all-around show.

:twocents: :willybs:

Have you not read anything about DINO? He has already said before he isn't from Wyoming. The pokes became his adopted favorite team after he lived out west in colorado. Now he lives in wyoming.
Let's just be some douchers some more to someone who wants to promote the program.
Hell I know so many people from wyoming that wouldn't know what ACS meant. And the fact you had to throw in your "what it really means is austyn carta-scrambles" is just... douchey.
Judging by your national radio show it sounds like Dino does a lot more for the team in terms of recognition than you do. What channel is your broadcast on? Oh wait, that's right...

I'll be a doucher to you if that's what you want. Let me guess, are you a Oregon State/Poke fan? What's with these hybrid, half-ass fans. I don't, nor have I EVER said I had a show. But when you can't tell me what "ACS" stands for and you start talking about the low-life Petrino...you're gonna get me pissed. You can go down under that moron category too. I can question the sincerity of someone trying to promote his own radio show...especially when he FREAKED THE HELL OUT on us when NOBODY tuned in. I was busy that night or I would've given him a shot. Since he doesn't get any calls to his radio show, maybe he should promote it a little better... might help if he doesn't freak out on EVERYONE on this board like a child. Beav, you should help him out there. Clearly I struck a nerve with you...and honestly...I could care less about hitting a soft spot with my 'douchey' rendition of what 'ACS' stood for when it was his nickname on campus for christ sake. I hit the panic button after Smith went down and it looks like I was right to do so. Keep making up shit and telling me my 'radio show' sucks. That's just..... douchey.

I am a an oregon state fan and a cowboy fan, current uw student, transfering to OSU because osu offers a major UW doesn't.

The reason I called you douchey is because why rag on Dino? Seriously? He said he came from out of state and now is a uw fan, and he doesn't know who ACS is. so that means he is a tool/dick/uneducated out of stater? come on now. that makes him someone who shouldnt be a wyoming fan?

I know you didn't say those words exactly but at the same time, why just start a thread just talkin shit on someone who is trying to do something good for us? I would have called in if I had sirius, no doubt.

And as long as you accpet me calling you a doucher I will accept you calling me a doucher. we're even. so from a doucher to another doucher, don't irrationaly talk shit on someone who is just trying to do sometihng good for our school.

Also, I know you don't have a national radio show, that was my whole point about it.
Also, having Petrino would be awesome as a coach, I still stand behind coach DC, but would having a coach who has the record petrino has be a bad thing? Yeah he cheated on his wife and wrecked his motorcycle, but in this day, who hasn't cheated on their wife?
(that was a joke, in a way)
And another thing, last year when I went to the OSU UCLA game, as shitty as the beavers were, they still sold out a 42000 stadium. and we could only sell out a game that had nebraska our next door neighbors coming to town.
Yes I get there are way more people in the corvallis and oregon area than laramie and wyoming area, but still don't talk shit on the beavs fans when they still get a shit ton more fans in a shitty year than we do when we are good.
I am a an oregon state fan and a cowboy fan, current uw student, transfering to OSU because osu offers a major UW doesn't.

The reason I called you douchey is because why rag on Dino? Seriously? He said he came from out of state and now is a uw fan, and he doesn't know who ACS is. so that means he is a tool/dick/uneducated out of stater? come on now. that makes him someone who shouldnt be a wyoming fan?

I know you didn't say those words exactly but at the same time, why just start a thread just talkin shit on someone who is trying to do something good for us? I would have called in if I had sirius, no doubt.

And as long as you accpet me calling you a doucher I will accept you calling me a doucher. we're even. so from a doucher to another doucher, don't irrationaly talk shit on someone who is just trying to do sometihng good for our school.

Also, I know you don't have a national radio show, that was my whole point about it.

Ok, I'm going to go and assume that you are an underclassmen. Therefore I would NOT expect you or ppl you know to have any clue who 'ACS' was. I'm ragging on him because when I see that, I question the sincerity to give us recognition or use us as a stepping stone fanbase to get national recognition, he's probably seen the way we treat the Scott Van Pelt people for just putting our helmet on their show.
BeaverPoke said:
Also, having Petrino would be awesome as a coach, I still stand behind coach DC, but would having a coach who has the record petrino has be a bad thing? Yeah he cheated on his wife and wrecked his motorcycle, but in this day, who hasn't cheated on their wife?
(that was a joke, in a way)

I could care less if he did that all to his family. He LIED TO HIS AD AND SCHOOL PRESIDENT about it. Dude's life is a joke and one big lie. He's lucky the Penn State crap came up and detracted from how detested he is by EVERYONE in college football. No thanks.

See, if you were to be a fan who suggests Joe Tiller (former UW coach, just in case you didn't know)....then I'd at least say you're not a complete moron and you know the history of our program. It also tells me that you know more than a quick wiki of our current team and ability to read the overhype of the CST and WTE.
BeaverPoke said:
And another thing, last year when I went to the OSU UCLA game, as shitty as the beavers were, they still sold out a 42000 stadium. and we could only sell out a game that had nebraska our next door neighbors coming to town.
Yes I get there are way more people in the corvallis and oregon area than laramie and wyoming area, but still don't talk shit on the beavs fans when they still get a shit ton more fans in a shitty year than we do when we are good.

I was in school when Glenn was coach. Dude, our attendance is bad and you're seeing first hand on campus why. If you have been there for more than a year...you'll realize the conditions and the surrounding populations in the fall. Combine that with a huge letdown beginning to a season. Did you see the Lions stadium for the better half of the last 20 yrs? They're in DETROIT and couldn't fill half of the stadium. Look at the Browns and Bengals. If you have a losing program, it's gonna show. What else do people have up in Corvallis to do? There are more people and no pro team. Enter, Nebraska Huskers. They live for saturdays. I went to a Nebraska/Mizz game (Wyoming was on the road in ABQ getting beat) and I first hand saw the ability that Dave Christensen has to put together a symphonic offense. He has recruited amazing up to this point. However the lack of emphasis on defense and ability to see different looks other than the Wyoming offense, lacking 1 good rb on the team leaves us with what we have. A terrible rush defense. It's a shame because I believe that 2 years from now, we'll have Blair Burns playing on Sundays.

BTW Mitch Unrein is starting/playing right now for the Denver Broncos, in case you didn't know.
dapokes said:
Ok, I'm going to go and assume that you are an underclassmen. Therefore I would NOT expect you or ppl you know to have any clue who 'ACS' was. I'm ragging on him because when I see that, I question the sincerity to give us recognition or use us as a stepping stone fanbase to get national recognition, he's probably seen the way we treat the Scott Van Pelt people for just putting our helmet on their show.

Incorrect sir, I am a jr, I was a freshman when ACS was. I've taken 2 semesters off, that is the reason I am not a sr, but then again its college so who give a fuck?

Don't just assume because I am leaving for a different school means I am an underclassmen.

I know what Austyn Carta Scrambles means, shit the kid and i knew eachother, weren't best friends or anythin but we definitely knew eachother.

If you have something realistic to say about football, or even dino, then yes I will talk to you, but if all you have to say is just shit talking, then come on man get a life.
dapokes said:
BeaverPoke said:

BTW Mitch Unrein is starting/playing right now for the Denver Broncos, in case you didn't know.

Oh and me being a die hard bronco-wyo fan I had no idea mitch was playing. You mean the dude he was one of the most import D players to us winning the NM bowl ACS's year? Umm, nope I didn't know, thanks bud
dapokes said:
After seeing your lack of knowledge of the term "ACS" combined with your comment for Wyo to hire Bobby Petrino really makes me question your knowledge/fanhood of the University of Wyoming. Did you even attend or are you just from Wyoming? To me, I think you are just trying to get your radio show started and picked our fans as a platform to get it popular. Good try on the recovery...but any Wyoming fan who has even watched or listened to our game since Glenn (our former coach, in case you're lost) knows what "ACS" is since he signed w the pokes. Even closer fans to the program realize that "ACS" actually stood for Austyn Carta-Scrambles from his happy feet and inability to let a play develop during his soph slump. You have me questioning your sincerity to this program when I see crap like that. Petrino? The fact that you think he's a good fit just boggles my mind. I think you want a national all-around show.

:twocents: :willybs:

Are you for real with this post? This is stupid. Sorry man but you're way off base here.
This whole thread is awesome. You guys need to play battleship to settle this.

Not "douchery" at all......:)
djm19 said:
This whole thread is awesome. You guys need to play battleship to settle this.

Not "douchery" at all......:)

Lol I agree but hell is this not some awesome monday night wyonation chit chat?!?!?!
djm19 said:
This whole thread is awesome. You guys need to play battleship to settle this.

Not "douchery" at all......:)

I was thinking more like Rock'em Sock'em Robots...I'm a fan of the violence and chaos it brings.


If you knew Austyn...you'd know that the kid smelled terrible if you stepped within 15 feet of the kid, right? At least his freshman year he did lol
This thread is pretty hilarious stuff...nice try genius, but come back when you can do us all one better.

'Trying' to build a NATIONAL show?

I've been there going on 4 years already, slappy.

Or have you not heard?

http://www.mensjournal.com/magazine/in-this-issue-dino-costa-the-angriest-man-on-the-airwaves-20120914" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

This thread is pretty hilarious stuff...nice try genius, but come back when you can do us all one better.

'Trying' to build a NATIONAL show?

I've been there going on 4 years already, slappy.

Or have you not heard?

http://www.mensjournal.com/magazine/in-this-issue-dino-costa-the-angriest-man-on-the-airwaves-20120914" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Shit you just got owned by the "ONE AND ONLY DINO"
ha.... okay I made that part up, but trust me it's gonna stick!

Another thing you really want some proof I know the kid? Want me to post his old phone number? his old texts we used send eachother? (I would only send some of them.... as some were adult language not suitable for you) like wtf? he smelled???? lol, shit he took my girl to dinner a couple times and all she smelt like was the tuna in the ocean. ( :o SHIT :x )

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