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Help me with this radio station

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:20 pm
Hey guys,

I am helping get a new radio station here in Laramie off the ground. I am throwing ideas out there and also trying to get them more into the sports. I have an idea posted on their Facebook page about a Laramie top 10, can you all do me a favor (if you are close to the Laramie area and if not that is OK also) please go to the link and like the idea of a Laramie top 10 idea and if maybe post a positive comment?

We need a more active radio station in a college town like Laramie and that is what I am trying to do. The more likes we can get on ideas or ideas in general posted on their FB page the more we will know how to market the station for you the listeners.

Here is the link:

Thanks in advance for any and all help. :D