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Such a Drag...


Well-known member
I know we're all feeling it. It's always been hard to be a Wyoming Athletics fan... then came NIL and the Transfer Portal. I kept hoping that Linder could be that guy who catches lightning like Utah State in the portal... best we could hope for. But in the end, what a shit show for us and so many other programs like ours. Half a million people stuck on an island (or sinking ship) in the middle of a massive changing sea. Not hopeful.

But, all the same....GO POKES!
Yep...Medocre U at its best...same shit different year..and they want ME to pay for it via tkts and NIL....ummmm reallly??
GOWYO said:
I know we're all feeling it. It's always been hard to be a Wyoming Athletics fan... then came NIL and the Transfer Portal. I kept hoping that Linder could be that guy who catches lightning like Utah State in the portal... best we could hope for. But in the end, what a shit show for us and so many other programs like ours. Half a million people stuck on an island (or sinking ship) in the middle of a massive changing sea. Not hopeful.

But, all the same....GO POKES!

Very tough to be a "fan" of Wyoming Basketball right now (and the past few years frankly). I really don't think Linder can recover, or teach himself how to be a better "players coach". I am optimistic about Football, looks like Jay has it going the right direction, going to be a long spring / summer. :twisted:
stymeman said:
Yep...Medocre U at its best...same poop different year..and they want ME to pay for it via tkts and NIL....ummmm reallly??

Yep - pay more to get less. I guess inflation is at play in UW athletics too.

Don't you worry, Cap'n Jeff has it all figured out.
GOWYO said:
I know we're all feeling it. It's always been hard to be a Wyoming Athletics fan... then came NIL and the Transfer Portal. I kept hoping that Linder could be that guy who catches lightning like Utah State in the portal... best we could hope for. But in the end, what a poop show for us and so many other programs like ours. Half a million people stuck on an island (or sinking ship) in the middle of a massive changing sea. Not hopeful.

But, all the same....GO POKES!

Sprinkles sprinkled magic fairy dust and made it work in Logan. Proves it can be done…….. and in year one.