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Uniform Updates


Well-known member
New look for the gold alternates

OrediggerPoke said:
Traditional is out. Back to the DC era of uniforms.

Looking forward to seeing new combos as they come out.

I hope it doesn't go to the extremes that DC's era did, but I'd be happy to see some updates. Just don't change the helmet!
WYO1016 said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Traditional is out. Back to the DC era of uniforms.

Looking forward to seeing new combos as they come out.

I hope it doesn't go to the extremes that DC's era did, but I'd be happy to see some updates. Just don't change the helmet!

I’m thinking we might see a first game ‘surprise’ to the players when they are handed uniforms with their names on the back.
ragtimejoe1 said:
Think we'll see prairie gold? :rofl:

Where’s okie? We’re talking about uniforms and I need to hear when we last won a conference championship.
I thought the gold with white pants always looked kinda funny. So i like the brown pants with these too. Also I have wanted to see an all white look for some time, and it sounds like we may get that as well.
Poke in New England said:
I thought the gold with white pants always looked kinda funny. So i like the brown pants with these too. Also I have wanted to see an all white look for some time, and it sounds like we may get that as well.

I might be in the minority, but I’m hoping for a camo uniform again. I’d buy one for sure.
LanderPoke said:
It seems like I'm in the minority, but I loved the Bohl era uniforms.

Same. I'm not against change, though. I'm especially ok with a one-off alternate, which I hope is all this design is.
Reading between the lines it looks like this is an alternate, or third option, for a uniform. So we'll have brown, gold, and white tops and bottoms and all can be mix-matched.