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Sheep still suck


Well-known member
Because....it sux to be a CSU Ram regardless with an ass kicking in 1st 4, hard to say this nut please beat Texas next
The players and coaches are fine. It's their pompous insufferable fans that I can't stand. I hate it when they're happy. As long we keep kicking their butts in football, I'll be satisfied.
bladerunnr said:
The players and coaches are fine. It's their pompous insufferable fans that I can't stand. I hate it when they're happy. As long we keep kicking their butts in football, I'll be satisfied.

Indeed, Most hate the fact, yes hate, they are in the same conference as Wyoming. I dislike them as much as BYU fans. They would stab us in the back in a second if given the chance.

From a post on their RN board……

“I'm Proud to Be, a CSU Ram. I say I'm Proud to Be....."

Suck on That Wyoming....”