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Jay Sawvel named head coach

What an exhaustive coaching search they did. How F'kin ridiculous. Remember what happened the last time we promoted a DC to HC?
Burman should have conducted a nation wide search. If we are paying a coach $2 million. I think we could have gotten a more attractive candidate.
Cornpoke said:
What an exhaustive coaching search they did. How F'kin ridiculous. Remember what happened the last time we promoted a DC to HC?

Yeah and he got caught having fun on a pool table with a gal who, I believe, ended up marrying him.
Wyokie said:
Cornpoke said:
What an exhaustive coaching search they did. How F'kin ridiculous. Remember what happened the last time we promoted a DC to HC?

Yeah and he got caught having fun on a pool table with a gal who, I believe, ended up marrying him.

That was the OC. The DC that we promoted was Koenning.
I would have preferred a national search. And I would prefer someone with HC experience at some level. BUT let's give him our support. What else can we do?
Wyokie said:
Cornpoke said:
What an exhaustive coaching search they did. How F'kin ridiculous. Remember what happened the last time we promoted a DC to HC?

Yeah and he got caught having fun on a pool table with a gal who, I believe, ended up marrying him.
Actually I think it was Koenniing not Dimel who was the last Dc promoted to HC. He replaced the pool table lover.
LanderPoke said:
I would have preferred a national search. And I would prefer someone with HC experience at some level. BUT let's give him our support. What else can we do?

I'd rather have Bronco Mendenhall. Oh Wait, New Mexico actually went out and did a coaching search and didn't blow their load on the first person they interviewed. I hope this guy proves me wrong but this only proves the fundamental problems at an administrative/athletic dept level that we continue to see at UW.
LanderPoke said:
I would have preferred a national search. And I would prefer someone with HC experience at some level. BUT let's give him our support. What else can we do?

These days, I wonder whether you aren't better off promoting from within simply to minimize attrition via the portal, not to mention recruits. At least for a school like Wyoming.
Cornpoke said:
LanderPoke said:
I would have preferred a national search. And I would prefer someone with HC experience at some level. BUT let's give him our support. What else can we do?

I'd rather have Bronco Mendenhall. Oh Wait, New Mexico actually went out and did a coaching search and didn't blow their load on the first person they interviewed. I hope this guy proves me wrong but this only proves the fundamental problems at an administrative/athletic dept level that we continue to see at UW.

The difference between us and New Mexico is night and day. The Lobos are a bad team that have been bad since Rocky left. They need a fresh start. We're a decent team, and have been for a decade. That's a pretty good starting point to build off of. I'd rather see us keep the culture and grow than blow it all up and start over.
Going with the "continuity hire" I do not think Sawvel will get the long leash that Bohl got. No "two years to install the system".
I think the mindset with this is "maintain and improve". Bohl got the maintain part down...the improvement?...not so much.

two years from now...what is the win total for this to not be a success? I would put it at 13....not saying that it would be a total failure but 13 or fewer wins over the next two years is not an improvement.
WYO1016 said:
Wyokie said:
Yeah and he got caught having fun on a pool table with a gal who, I believe, ended up marrying him.

That was the OC. The DC that we promoted was Koenning.

Oops. My bad. Speaking of Dimel, he just got canned at UTEP.. :rofl:
Cornpoke said:
LanderPoke said:
I would have preferred a national search. And I would prefer someone with HC experience at some level. BUT let's give him our support. What else can we do?

I'd rather have Bronco Mendenhall. Oh Wait, New Mexico actually went out and did a coaching search and didn't blow their load on the first person they interviewed. I hope this guy proves me wrong but this only proves the fundamental problems at an administrative/athletic dept level that we continue to see at UW.

Any coach with BYU ties is a hard no for me.

As for the "fundamental problems" you alluded to, the only thing I want to see changed from the football program is the approach to offense. Everything else has been pretty good.
Sawvel just said in the press conference that his job is to improve. "We're consistently good. Teams know that we're going to play hard, and that we're going to win games. My job is not just to maintain, but to improve." "My task is to build on it. It's not to maintain, it's to build on it."
On the topic of "the last time we hired the DC as our head coach":

Hiring Vic was actually pretty well received. He was clearly good at his job, and was at a stage in his career that it made sense. Most people were pretty happy. Of course, he didn't prove to have the network needed to hire good assistants, and obviously was shown to not be head coach material.

There are a couple of differences to our current situation:
- The program was clearly on a downward trajectory
- Recruiting had been deteriorating, and the cupboards were looking bare
- Christensen was looking to get out before the chickens came home to roost, and I don't believe he'd recruited at all during his final season

This is clearly a planned transition, and the team is not on the schneid. Sawvel will have to prove himself, but I think we have an actual very solid program for him to take over and a system that he has been part of for some time.
As screwed up and crazy the whole college football thing is now, with the transfer portal, NIL (basically unlimited $$ for the big programs to buy players), no idea where this will all go, etc. - I definitely feel this was not the time to make a huge change with the "national search" approach. Try to hang on to the great things that Bohl has done (stability, culture, etc.) and, hopefully, Sawvel and whatever "new blood" he brings in can make some changes (offense, anyone?) to ADD to what is already in place. With all of the turmoil in college sports these days, I just don't think "starting over" with a whole new system would be a good idea. I'm not much of a Burman fan, but in this instance, this is the right move (at this point in time).