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Wyoming’s NIL collective


Well-known member
Wyoming’s first NIL collective goes live tomorrow. While certainly it is an individual decision, I won’t be donating anything. From the beginning it has been my position that entering the NIL arms race is a fool’s errand and one in which Wyoming can’t be successful given fanbase and donor dollar size size. In addition, these collectives will likely simply reallocate donor dollars (from CJC, UW Foundation; etc..) to 18-22 year old players’ pockets. In any event, good luck to the organizers.

OrediggerPoke said:
Wyoming’s first NIL collective goes live tomorrow. While certainly it is an individual decision, I won’t be donating anything. From the beginning it has been my position that entering the NIL arms race is a fool’s errand and one in which Wyoming can’t be successful given fanbase and donor dollar size size. In addition, these collectives will likely simply reallocate donor dollars (from CJC, UW Foundation; etc..) to 18-22 year old players’ pockets. In any event, good luck to the organizers.


There are folks who use the term "fools errand" to characterize the whole endeavor of competing at the highest level in college sports in Laramie. I think I agree with you on the NIL topic...but can the logic be extended to more traditional donor and tax money that is funneled to athletics?

I guess I would phrase it like this: "Given that the NCAA has backed off even the appearance of enforcing a fiscally level playing field as it pertains to direct player compensation, how does Wyoming and other institutions like Wyoming ever hope to be competitively relevant?"
I was looking into starting one of these myself, but this group beat me to the punch. The fact of the matter is that an NIL collective is necessary if we want to be more than a feeder program. Who donates is a personal decision, but I have a feeling there are plenty of benefactors that support UW that are looking for opportunities to dump cash at the end of the year so they don't have to pay taxes on them. This collective is a good thing.
307bball said:
OrediggerPoke said:
Wyoming’s first NIL collective goes live tomorrow. While certainly it is an individual decision, I won’t be donating anything. From the beginning it has been my position that entering the NIL arms race is a fool’s errand and one in which Wyoming can’t be successful given fanbase and donor dollar size size. In addition, these collectives will likely simply reallocate donor dollars (from CJC, UW Foundation; etc..) to 18-22 year old players’ pockets. In any event, good luck to the organizers.


There are folks who use the term "fools errand" to characterize the whole endeavor of competing at the highest level in college sports in Laramie. I think I agree with you on the NIL topic...but can the logic be extended to more traditional donor and tax money that is funneled to athletics?

I guess I would phrase it like this: "Given that the NCAA has backed off even the appearance of enforcing a fiscally level playing field as it pertains to direct player compensation, how does Wyoming and other institutions like Wyoming ever hope to be competitively relevant?"

The answer is NO. Wyoming can't and won't ever be 'relevant' in terms of a national scale. College sports is professional sports and Wyoming is in the minor leagues. However, in a conference of our peers, Wyoming can certainly be near or at the top with the right decisions.

Personally, I see a big difference between paying players and supporting athletics infrastructure. I enjoy going to games in the AA and sitting in the nice chairs and catching a game. This improves the quality of life in Laramie and at our University. NIL collectives add virtually zero value to the quality of life at UW/Laramie and does pretty much nothing but pad the pockets of 18-22 year olds (who already are advantaged by their scholarship situation). Even when Wyoming catches the next Ike or Josh Allen, we will never have enough money to keep that level of talent.

Good luck to those involved in this NIL fool's errand. It's their money to spend how they desire (not mine). I'll be saving my money for worthwhile endeavors and charitable purposes that I can get behind.
WYO1016 said:
I was looking into starting one of these myself, but this group beat me to the punch. The fact of the matter is that an NIL collective is necessary if we want to be more than a feeder program. Who donates is a personal decision, but I have a feeling there are plenty of benefactors that support UW that are looking for opportunities to dump cash at the end of the year so they don't have to pay taxes on them. This collective is a good thing.

We are a feeder program either way. Even if the collective achieves its goal of $600K, that's not even enough to keep one Graham Ike for the remainder of his college career.

And paying taxes isn't a bad thing...that means you are bringing in income. Dumping cash to offset federal income taxes is still a net loss of 63% at even the highest tax bracket.