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I have an idea...


Well-known member
You don't like abortions? Don't get one
You don't like guns? Don't buy one.
You don't like gas vehicles? Buy an electric.
You don't like electric vehicles? Buy a gas or diesel.
You want boys in women sports? OK, but let's stat an xx only league.
You don't like meat? Eat veggies.
You don't like veggies? Eat meat.
You don't like anyone telling you what to eat? Eat whatever you want.
You want to pick your stove and heater? Do it.
Other than abortion, vote republican and you can choose.
Etc etc
Quit forcing your opinion down my throat.
ragtimejoe1 said:
You don't like abortions? Don't get one
You don't like guns? Don't buy one.
You don't like gas vehicles? Buy an electric.
You don't like electric vehicles? Buy a gas or diesel.
You want boys in women sports? OK, but let's stat an xx only league.
You don't like meat? Eat veggies.
You don't like veggies? Eat meat.
You don't like anyone telling you what to eat? Eat whatever you want.
You want to pick your stove and heater? Do it.
Other than abortion, vote republican and you can choose.
Etc etc
Quit forcing your opinion down my throat.
Agree, except abortion. Abortion is murder. That's like saying don't like murder, don't murder someone.