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Evaluating East_Popcorn's True Identity


Well-known member
Alright East_Popcorn, its been a good, solid year of trolling for you. I congratulate you on that. In fact, I would nominate you for an award for Troll of the Year.

Not many people have the determination to keep coming back for no other reason than to try to piss others off. It takes a true Troll to keep accomplishing what you do. We all salute you.

Now the real question presents itself. Who is your team? Who do you really root for? You have cleverly disguised yourself. All I want for Christmas is your true identity.
He made mention of attending the BSU-Tulsa game. Can't imagine why a Wyo fan would want to attend that game. I'd say he is a Boise fan living in Oklahoma.
I think you guys have it all wrong. This SOB is a former coach / coach wife. Whenever challenged as such, he /she disappears for a while.

Germer, Cockhill, Wisniewski, Knutson, Applewhite, Robinson, Cole, Breske

One of them.
You can cross Wisniewski off that list. I highly doubt he has time to dink around on message boards since the Princeton coaching staff got fired just over a week ago. Added to that, him and his wife are really nice people that I just can't see sinking to the level of EPS.
Asmodeanreborn said:
You can cross Wisniewski off that list. I highly doubt he has time to dink around on message boards since the Princeton coaching staff got fired just over a week ago. Added to that, him and his wife are really nice people that I just can't see sinking to the level of EPS.

I really don't care who he is. The guy/gal is a total d-bag in my eyes. Whoever his/her team is I hope we find out and they get blasted in a bowl game. Even better would be if they didn't make a bowl.
calpoke25 said:
I'm betting its egh77 from GWG. Very similar outlook on things.

Okay so you figured that much out, but is this really a footbal forum topic? Moderator needs to move this to a different forum.. I prefer to discuss only football in the football forum.

I'd like to talk about football things such as when was the last time we've been shutout this many times in 1 year?? :mrgreen:
COS Cowboy said:
He made mention of attending the BSU-Tulsa game. Can't imagine why a Wyo fan would want to attend that game. I'd say he is a Boise fan living in Oklahoma.

I think he lives in Oklahoma, but not necessarily a Boise fan. Maybe a sooner fan.

Hey you know you can't cOcksUcker without OU.
East_Popcorn_State said:
calpoke25 said:
I'm betting its egh77 from GWG. Very similar outlook on things.

Okay so you figured that much out, but is this really a footbal forum topic? Moderator needs to move this to a different forum.. I prefer to discuss only football in the football forum.

I'd like to talk about football things such as when was the last time we've been shutout this many times in 1 year?? :mrgreen:

Holy shit!, if EPS = EGH77, does that mean EPS is really Erin Glenn-Hash (EGH77)? Joe's daughter! No F-ing way?!
Fullback41 said:
East_Popcorn_State said:
calpoke25 said:
I'm betting its egh77 from GWG. Very similar outlook on things.

Okay so you figured that much out, but is this really a footbal forum topic? Moderator needs to move this to a different forum.. I prefer to discuss only football in the football forum.

I'd like to talk about football things such as when was the last time we've been shutout this many times in 1 year?? :mrgreen:

Holy s##t!, if EPS = EGH77, does that mean EPS is really Erin Glenn-Hash (EGH77)? Joe's daughter! No F-ing way?!

Phuck me running... You guys are good! impressive. :oops:
im over this (until the next time you visit to bash us), but geez i was joking, does your reply mean you really are Joe's daughter? I would have expected better from his kin. Please tell me it isn't so.
cant be erin one of the early posts was about how glenn and staff stunk, probably just a csu troll that lives in OK.
calpoke25 said:
Alright East_Popcorn, its been a good, solid year of trolling for you. I congratulate you on that. In fact, I would nominate you for an award for Troll of the Year.

Not many people have the determination to keep coming back for no other reason than to try to piss others off. It takes a true Troll to keep accomplishing what you do. We all salute you.

Now the real question presents itself. Who is your team? Who do you really root for? You have cleverly disguised yourself. All I want for Christmas is your true identity.
Way to go Calpoke I thought I was the only one who got bumped to smack forum and for future reference his name is Sphincter Boy :thumb:
Worst team in History finishing out halves.
by East_Popcorn_State » Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:31 pm

Both at the end of the 2nd quarter and end of game...
Glenn's Cowboys are the worst I've seen in 30 years of managing the game to end each half.

Funny how horrible Glenn is while he is our coach, then once he's gone DC is horrible and Glenn was the best coach ever, and would win another National Championship with equal talent. Your a troll, your a troll, your a troll. You obviously hate UW so assume you are a lammie.

How does it feel to have a weird coach that stares out the window looking for answers during his press conferences? How does it feel to have the rest of the MWC love our freshman QB while you will be starting all over with someone new again next year? How does it feel to lose the boot? How does it feel to go 0-8 in conference play? How does it feel to have lame middle school Russell athletic uniforms? How does it feel to be jealous of our facilities? How does it feel to have the weakest tree hugging fans in the MWC? How does it feel to be so desperate for attention the only way you can get it is by talking smack on rival boards while posing to be a fan because you are too coward to fess up to who you really are - you are pathetic, your life must be miserable.

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