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Well-known member
Anybody remember the stress that was finals week, albeit I've been removed from it for quite some time, I don't miss this hell week that was finals. We used to go to the old Shari's on 3rd studying, drinking tons of coffee etc....but the month off is something I'd love to have again.
Good luck all students enduring it, this too shall pass, LOL
Never failed, I always had a Friday afternoon final. My buddies would be done on Wednesdays and party the rest of the week, and I was in my room trying to cram.
This year it's not a "week", it's Wednestay-Friday, the weekend, then Monday &Tuesday. Ridiculously dumb.
wyokoke said:
This year it's not a "week", it's Wednestay-Friday, the weekend, then Monday &Tuesday. Ridiculously dumb.

I vaguely remember the school (East Central University) I went to in the 90s (1992-97) doing a similar schedule. Damned stupid IMO.

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