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McMurray Richardson Conspiracy


Casper Tribune now. I don't think there is any connection (who knows) but certainly wise of the respective departments to investigate to dispel any rumors.
It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out. There are definitely some weird coincidences. I'm from Casper originally and have heard people talking about this for a long time.. Dont know if it's small town gossip or one of those where there's smoke there's fire situations.
Richardson is the mother of a dear friend of mine whom I've known since Kindergarten. This whole mess has been downright bizarre! Her daughter/my friend needs the closure!!!

New story that would cast some doubt on the credibility and motives of the petitioner.
I really hope the fresh set of eyes on the case does the trick and they find out what happened to Kristi. I also hope there is no McMurray connection. There would be a lot of buildings in Wyoming to rename..