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*****WARNING**** Giant Doc Holliday ego ahead


Well-known member
I think the real question we should be asking ourselves tonight is...

"Does Doc Holliday have a career in Big League broadcasting?"

I mean he's been up and down for a couple cups of coffee, but always seems to get shit canned. He's got his own D-league website and radio show now, but will he ever stick and get a lasting major league contract? I would love to hear the analysis...

He does have a lot of stuff going for him...

...he's talked to an old guy in a cowboy hat who's time has passed him by...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftA0urwq8xo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
"He's a lightweight"..."He tries way too hard..."

He also fights with guys named 'rabid dog' or something...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciNYkbqehQs" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Who knows who won? They both never stop talking...

Sirius loved him...I guess...for a little while...but not professionally forever!
http://www.shermanreport.com/one-rant-too-many-dino-costa-out-at-siriusxm/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
"There might be some opportunities with NBC and CBS launching radio networks."

Talk amongst yourselves...we all know where this guy was made...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNGPxA3H7FA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
I don't appreciate the way this douche bag is constantly taking shots at everyone over at KFBC in the Sports Zone. Calls Dave M. a fat b.....d, really goes after Keith for being from Oklahoma and daring to be a Sooner fan. Hey, I'm a Poke fan and a Notre Dame fan, what's wrong with that? Went after Gags because he didn't break the story or report on Cooke's incident with the LPD. Pretends to be the biggest Wyoming fan on earth. Pretends his new show on KRAE is taking the town by storm. Does not understand that there are a lot of people who happen to like the people over at KFBC and taking shots at them is no way to garner fan support. What a tool. :thumbdown:
I read enough of his narcissism on here, why would I listen to him on the radio when I could be listening to something that is more interesting? Like the weather.
Meh, just a shock jock. I prefer the intelligent analytical types. Shock jocks revert to the shock jock approach because they generally aren't good at in depth and intelligent analysis. However, shock jock is polarizing thus creating an audience. Not my cup of tea, but it does sell.
Well didn't take long for this gasbag to leave KRAE....by mutual agreement. Sure! :thumb:
From a couple weeks ago, just days before his new show hit the airwaves...

“If I don’t dominate this market in a year, I will crawl on hands and knees back to Wyoming,” he said this week. “They’ve got some nice little shows on sports radio here. But they’re ham-and-eggers for the most part. The worst thing that ever happened to other people in sports radio is the arrival of Dino Costa. The salad days are over. I have nothing personal against any of these guys but I have to destroy them, I will destroy them, and I will dominate this market. I will be No. 1. I’m so confident of this, it’s already happened in my mind.”

joshvanklomp said:
From a couple weeks ago, just days before his new show hit the airwaves...

“If I don’t dominate this market in a year, I will crawl on hands and knees back to Wyoming,” he said this week. “They’ve got some nice little shows on sports radio here. But they’re ham-and-eggers for the most part. The worst thing that ever happened to other people in sports radio is the arrival of Dino Costa. The salad days are over. I have nothing personal against any of these guys but I have to destroy them, I will destroy them, and I will dominate this market. I will be No. 1. I’m so confident of this, it’s already happened in my mind.”

Not going to lie, but that sounds eerily like something Trump would say.
joshvanklomp said:
From a couple weeks ago, just days before his new show hit the airwaves...

“If I don’t dominate this market in a year, I will crawl on hands and knees back to Wyoming,” he said this week. “They’ve got some nice little shows on sports radio here. But they’re ham-and-eggers for the most part. The worst thing that ever happened to other people in sports radio is the arrival of Dino Costa. The salad days are over. I have nothing personal against any of these guys but I have to destroy them, I will destroy them, and I will dominate this market. I will be No. 1. I’m so confident of this, it’s already happened in my mind.”

Does he realize he's hated by a solid 90% of people here who know anything about him?
I'm beginning to wonder if he's related to Charlie Sheen. They both act alike. Sheesh! :roll:
Back at it today, and now the Pokes logo and Wyoming name is attached to it


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