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MWCBoard thread


Well-known member
Just got done "perusing" through a thread on MWCBoard that started by discussing how shitacular CSU's message board is and quickly evolved into quite the Wyo v. CSU debate. All started when one csu poster claimed that their facilities are superior to Wyo's...wow, just wow. Anyway, if you want to kill some time and get a laugh by some true "homer" ignorance, take a few minutes and check it out...it's a doozy.
WestWYOPoke said:
Just got done "perusing" through a thread on MWCBoard that started by discussing how shitacular CSU's message board is and quickly evolved into quite the Wyo v. CSU debate. All started when one csu poster claimed that their facilities are superior to Wyo's...wow, just wow. Anyway, if you want to kill some time and get a laugh by some true "homer" ignorance, take a few minutes and check it out...it's a doozy.

It was a pretty fun thread, I didn't intend to turn that conversation into what it was but when he posted that CSU facilities were superior to UW I had to put the gloves on lol.
Yeah, pretty comical the way he changes his tune about mid thread. He goes from his first statement of Wyo having crappy facilities, and by mid-thread (once he realizes he is COMPLETELY wrong) is saying "who's talking about facilities, we're talking about results"...douchebag.
Fairly sure we debated every college sport under the sun and came to the conclusion Moby is decorated by Women Athletics and not Men.
WestWYOPoke said:
Yeah, pretty comical the way he changes his tune about mid thread. He goes from his first statement of Wyo having crappy facilities, and by mid-thread (once he realizes he is COMPLETELY wrong) is saying "who's talking about facilities, we're talking about results"...douchebag.

Sounds like one of those typical fans who makes statements, then can't back them up. What a clown. :thumbdown:

Hope the 'Pokes will get those Rams this year. They'll all shut up then.

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