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Offseason Football Trivia Knowledge

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:22 pm
by ragtimejoe1
Post your interesting observations about football. I'll start:

Oregon is among the fastest paced teams in CFB (behind Houston). They averaged in 2012, 2.83 plays per minute of possession. In 13 games, they had 1058 plays and 361.83 minutes of possession.

By simple division, they had 81.4 plays per game. If you assume that each play from ball snap to blown dead averages say 8 seconds (probably is less than that) it would mean fans get to watch a total of 10.8 min/game of Duck offense. An estimate of 6 seconds per play would be 8 minutes of Duck offense per game.

NFL calculations of about 4-6 seconds/play indicate that games have a total of 11 to 13 minutes of actual play during an entire game.