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BeaverPoke vs McPeachy


Well-known member

Let's do this thing, once and for all. Instead of spilling over into every thread on the board, let's have a battle right here, right now! :popcorn:
Could be very entertaining! A lot of "fuck offs" and "dudes" I am sure.

But what would happen to this board if one of us ended up whacking ourselves, because of hurt feelings and the harsh things that were written?
McPeachy said:
Could be very entertaining! A lot of "fuck offs" and "dudes" I am sure.

But what would happen to this board if one of us ended up whacking ourselves, because of hurt feelings and the harsh things that were written?
I would hope that that wouldn't be the case. After all, we're all here because of a common thread: our love of the Wyoming sports programs. We can bitch at each other all we want, but we're still somewhat of a family here. I big dysfunctional family, but family nonetheless.
WYO1016 said:
McPeachy said:
Could be very entertaining! A lot of "fuck offs" and "dudes" I am sure.

But what would happen to this board if one of us ended up whacking ourselves, because of hurt feelings and the harsh things that were written?
I would hope that that wouldn't be the case. After all, we're all here because of a common thread: our love of the Wyoming sports programs. We can bitch at each other all we want, but we're still somewhat of a family here. I big dysfunctional family, but family nonetheless.
Beaver and Peaches remind me of a couple of cousins of mine. They're brothers and even look similar to an extent (1 1/2 years apart), but personality and even build wise, they're exact opposites.

The older one is book smart, book worm, video game nerd, comic book nerd, unathletic, incredibly skinny, and has to be forced to do anything like chores and helping out.

The younger one is street smart, athletic, enjoys video games as a side thing, does a lot of outdoor activities and sports, eager to help and please, solid build (think linebacker/fullback build), but not the sharpest tool in the shed.
fromolwyoming said:
The older one is book smart, book worm, video game nerd, comic book nerd, unathletic, incredibly skinny, and has to be forced to do anything like chores and helping out.

The younger one is street smart, athletic, enjoys video games as a side thing, does a lot of outdoor activities and sports, eager to help and please, solid build (think linebacker/fullback build), but not the sharpest tool in the shed.

BP and Peachy are thinking, "which one am I?"
McPeachy said:
Could be very entertaining! A lot of "fuck offs" and "dudes" I am sure.

But what would happen to this board if one of us ended up whacking ourselves, because of hurt feelings and the harsh things that were written?

i assume your keyboard would be messy

whyoh said:
McPeachy said:
Could be very entertaining! A lot of "fuck offs" and "dudes" I am sure.

But what would happen to this board if one of us ended up whacking ourselves, because of hurt feelings and the harsh things that were written?

i assume your keyboard would be messy


