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Wyonation Folks

Lastly before I head to the studio...I'm far from thinking about my great state as anything resembling a movie.

However, if given the opportunity to do so, I'd remove each and every one of you who sullies this state's image through your 'modern' way of thinking about this great state...many of you are the reason why Wyoming is losing its identity as the rugged individualistic state that it is at its core. I'd get rid of the lot of you all -- you embarrass me and ever other Wyomingite who holds to these vital characteristics with your liberally persuasive ideas. Get out.

And if you described this Wyomingite as 'insecure' to anyone who knows me, they'd think that to be exceptionally funny.

Lastly, I am leaving Cheyenne within two years simply because of the fact that Cheyenne is becoming far too much like Denver or any other big city in terms of scope and ideology, in terms of what it represents, in terms of how people think and act.

No sir, once I'm firmly entrenched within the northwestern corner of the state...that'll be the Wyoming I know more -- and love.

So, let me interpret this correctly, you are moving to Jackson, Wyoming to embrace the Wyoming ideology that we in the rest of the state somehow do not adhere to? I just want to make sure that I am not mis-respresenting what you haveposted.

PS: I am from the NW corner and I would think that as far as communities in the NW corner go that typically people from Wyoming would assume somewhere in the Bighorn Basin.
Few thoughts:

1) Pretty sure this thread was started in the incorrect forum
2) Proof again that losing, and bye weeks, are unproductive
3) our defense still sucks
Lastly before I head to the studio...I'm far from thinking about my great state as anything resembling a movie.
Because popping someone in the mouth for what they said, no matter how trivial, is obviously not from movies...

However, if given the opportunity to do so, I'd remove each and every one of you who sullies this state's image through your 'modern' way of thinking about this great state...many of you are the reason why Wyoming is losing its identity as the rugged individualistic state that it is at its core. I'd get rid of the lot of you all -- you embarrass me and ever other Wyomingite who holds to these vital characteristics with your liberally persuasive ideas. Get out.
So, a guy who is not even from Wyoming is telling a website full of people that either went to school here, were born here, or both, that he would kick them all out for being actual Wyomingites and not some pre-concieved notion of semi-wild west Wyomingites? Okay. FIrst time for everything.
And if you described this Wyomingite as 'insecure' to anyone who knows me, they'd think that to be exceptionally funny.
Insecure? No. Egotistical, holier than thou, and self-righteous? Yes.
Lastly, I am leaving Cheyenne within two years simply because of the fact that Cheyenne is becoming far too much like Denver or any other big city in terms of scope and ideology, in terms of what it represents, in terms of how people think and act.
Cheyenne is getting bigger, but it's still a far cry from a city of over 1 million. And Cheyenne is still Cheyenne in terms of how people are there. Just that reality for you is starting to hit home.

No sir, once I'm firmly entrenched within the northwestern corner of the state...that'll be the Wyoming I know more -- and love.
If you say so.
"I seek no handouts, nobody owes me anything, I want nothing ever given to me."

Says the dude who started an entire thread crying about how no one called into his radio show during the Gags segment..

annnnd cue the profanity ridden, condescending response about how he was doing us all a favor by giving us a level of exposure we could NEVER EVER achieve on our own. Theeeeennnnnn cue the profanity ridden response about how we should all go fuck ourselves, because he can gladly get rid of the Poke segment, and fill it with plenty of other things that are MUCH more important to his millions of loyal followers, annnnd lastly cue the giant "personal accomplishment" resume where he lists everything he has ever fucking done since he was 3 years old..
fromolwyoming said:
No sir, once I'm firmly entrenched within the northwestern corner of the state...that'll be the Wyoming I know more -- and love.
If you say so.

tbh....if your pure goal is to avoid the "liberally minded" folks the northwest corner is probably not the best place to do it
COS Cowboy said:
I see Dino has apparently sobered up and edited all his posts.

Actually I'm pretty sure he was sober considering it was 3 in the afternoon apparently right before his all important show...or maybe not?

;) I knew he would delete them, luckily they are still here...because I'm not gonna lie it is pretty funny re-reading them myself.
OrediggerPoke said:
COS Cowboy said:
I see Dino has apparently sobered up and edited all his posts.

Actually I'm pretty sure he was sober considering it was 3 in the afternoon apparently right before his all important show...or maybe not?

;) I knew he would delete them, luckily they are still here...because I'm not gonna lie it is pretty funny re-reading them myself.

Yeah, you're probably right, plus his rants were all spelled correctly. I guess his anti psycotic medication is what makes the difference.
1.) I think an admin needs to move this thread and any other thread that is not organized as they should be. This is not about football.

2.) No one is taking away anyone's right to speak their mind, they just need to do it in the proper platform. I have a personal opinion regarding gardening techniques, I'm not going to express it here.

3.) The phrase 'STFU' (especially when repeated 40x) does nothing but prove how ignorant, uneducated, and impersonal one is. Speak like an adult, you'll be treated like one.

4.) "The danger with the egomaniac is always that underneath the apparent over-confidence and bravado lies a fragile personality', driven by grandiose fantasies of boundless success or power or perfect love which cannot be fulfilled."
BackHarlowRoad said:
1.) I think an admin needs to move this thread and any other thread that is not organized as they should be. This is not about football.

2.) No one is taking away anyone's right to speak their mind, they just need to do it in the proper platform. I have a personal opinion regarding gardening techniques, I'm not going to express it here.

3.) The phrase 'STFU' (especially when repeated 40x) does nothing but prove how ignorant, uneducated, and impersonal one is. Speak like an adult, you'll be treated like one.

4.) "The danger with the egomaniac is always that underneath the apparent over-confidence and bravado lies a fragile personality', driven by grandiose fantasies of boundless success or power or perfect love which cannot be fulfilled."

translation: this guy could use a good ass whooping
Dino, Just about the time I’m thinking that you might be an alright fellow, you do something like trying to blow up your own shit! Like we should care? If you were as great as you think you are, you would not be in Cheyenne, WY. Your perception of most things Wyoming and UW is fucked up. You must be your own best friend ‘cause there ain’t no others. Is that it? Loser.
For chrissakes, if Denver is the asshole of the nation, then Cheyenne is 101 miles up it! And you chose to move there? Continue to support Cowboys sports on your show that nobody gives a shit about. Continue to be a participant of Wyonation. Just quit being such a prick. Your shit is old already.

....and an ass whoppin he shall get!

Go Pokes, down a different road.
Wow, I finally found someone on this board people hate more than me! This was the greatest thread ever to read. I needed the laugh! Thanks fellas!
Dino hates Obama, hates Wyonation's 'liberal tinge' and hates Cheyenne and its 'liberal views'...yet he is moving to Jackson, TETON COUNTY, Wyoming, to escape all of the "non-Wyomingites" according to his opinion.

...which, Teton County, oddly enough was the only Wyoming county that leaned toward Obama in the 2012 general election (Obama 55%, Romney 43%)

...and which supported Obama over McCain 61%-37% in 2008

Not supporting any candidates or any of the political rhetoric, I just find Dino's assertions and views of Wyoming to be completely non-sense and absolutely unsubstantiated by any facts. Curious to how he will spin this?? Maybe he will change his Jackson moving plans? Maybe he will leave the equality state?
Further, next spring construction begins on my home in Jackson, no, you are not invited, in fact, come on my property and the results would be nothing but bad for you.
Lastly, I am leaving Cheyenne within two years simply because of the fact that Cheyenne is becoming far too much like Denver or any other big city in terms of scope and ideology, in terms of what it represents, in terms of how people think and act.

No sir, once I'm firmly entrenched within the northwestern corner of the state...that'll be the Wyoming I know more -- and love.

Oh and in case you missed it, straight from the source.
This is the craziest thread I've ever read, and I'm actually proposing a Bodily Function Forum on my board bc of all of the shit, jizz, piss, and snot threads. Well done, guys.

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