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New Forum, New Smack

Your not the only virginia fan on here. Read what the rest say too.
You want stats! Reasons?
Here you go.


Virginia Wyoming
Sewell 143-247-1,342-5-6 Sween/Doss 209-343-2130-16-13 +
Ian Hetrick at third string backup


Sewell/Peerman 141-353-5 Seldon/Moore/Marsh 244-1,224-5 +
Simpson added another rushing td Doss/Sween added 3 more tds.


Ogletree/Santi/Stupar/Philips/Covington Ford/Marsh/Betschart/Moore/Seldon/Sundberg/Jacobo
104-1,057-5 154-1,512-12 +

Players returning
Tckles Sck TFL PBU INT Tckles Sck TFL PBU INT
618 25 52 17 4 + 435 17 18.5 28 7

Coaches =

Home Field Advantage +

Special Teams=

Now That's the real stats.

Adding the positives it comes down to this.

1 plus for virginia's D, 4 plus for Wyoming, QB's, Rb's, Wr's, Hm fld Adv, 2 = for coaching, and Special teams

Do your own math, you figure it out. that's the talent of returning players.
And all you will come up with is," well, your just Wyoming. We'll still beat you!"
How in the hell did you guys think you have a BETTER QB???
You guys were playing him up, big time...when in reality, he started 9 games and threw 5 tds and 6 int??

And as for proving my point, you did so. Like turning stuff around, and thinking its better...like the whole inbred diss...that was pretty clever of you. Oh and ''hoosgonnabeatwyo?'', thanks for replying about my boy D-Mo. Real nice of you to step up to the plate with your own opinion on that...instead you take shots at myself, and just continue to talk about yourself. That seems to be a common trend with UVA fans on here....constantly talking themselves up so they act like we have to believe it? And as for being on the ''pedastal'', I wouldn't be talking if I were you. Considering in your last post you just claimed that you had a better Athletics Department than VTech...I know its not lonely on that pedastal, because I know your fellow posters are on it too. It just makes it even more comical!

And UVAman..I HAD respect for you, but not all of us want to write an entire page of reasoning to suite your seasoned mind. I hope the travel is going well, even if you expect myself and others to right a biography on our pokes. Have they found your cure for Alzheimers, yet? Btw, kansascowboy just laid out the stats or facts. Please do talk us down a little more.
Don't worry about it UVAMan04. They ask for football information and when you try to give them a little football knowledge they just resort back to smack talk. I've given up on trying to talk football because there are only a couple Pokes who can truely talk X's and O's with you. I also enjoy a little healthy smack talk.
Ok dapokes. I'll address everything you requested.

For your boy "D-Mo"... I never denied that he was fast. But 4.36 is far from world class. Come down to the Tidewater area sometime, where a 4.4 is average. 4.36 is fast but every team has a guy that can do that. Cedric Peerman won the state championship in the 100 meter dash in Virginia but I'm not hyping him up as world class, or else he would be running in the Olympics or playing for Southern Cal... it's as simple as that. How do you care to respond to that?

And to respond to us having a better athletics department than VaTech... We do? They have had a better football program but we are by far and away a better athletics deparment as a whole. It's not even close. I don't know if you misinterpreted what I said, to clarify I was not saying that we had a better football team, but it's a proven fact that our athletics and academics are superior.

I don't know if I'm on record saying that we had a better QB but I'll take Jameel any day over Sween and I'm sure you would say the same thing about Sween. Jameel was thrown into the fire into the ACC and yes his stats weren't overwhelming but he can do a lot of things for us.

Is there anything else you would like me to address? Can I safely assume that you will respond to this post with a ridiculous amount of swearing and not respond to any of my points at all?

I gave you respect enough to answer your questions, and if you can't professionally respond to my answers then that says something about you, not me.
And as a reply to Kansan Cowboy, it has already been shown (I'm not sure if it was this thread) that stats are pretty irrelevant. Especially last years. We play different opponents, at different places.

But here's a stat that you happened to miss... We beat you last year.

I'm not sure how exactly your scoreboard works because you seem to give a lot of advantages to the Pokes but overlook the fact that we beat you in one of the worst games we played last year.

Here it comes...
I applaud you for actually addressing something, instead of skipping over it and coming to the enevitable conclusion that ''I'm from Virginia, that means I'm better than you''.

I was just suprised that a lot of you guys were hyping your QB up so much like he was gonna be one of the best in your conference. I hardly doubt he'll be the best in your state.

In regards to D-Mo, he's one of the captains. He's a leader, both on the field and off. His speed is for real and he's ran a great 40 time, especially for football...take a look at the combine, how many players fan faster than a 4.36? This guy doesn't just have timed speed, but he has game speed as well. I dont feel like I'll have to say much more about him, for I feel that his Home-run hitting style is gonna hurt you guys... maybe on some draws right around Long, how about that? And in regards to Pearman, yes he is fast. I'm sure he's ran some 40's for scouts then, right? Exactly HOW fast is he?

I can't wait to see the reaction of your fans, when we beat you on Sat...and don't worry I'll give you some vivid details of what their faces looked like. Also, I didn't know that you were so offended with bad words. You guys must understand that smack can be spoken with sprinkles of swear words. Sorry for offending you all, but I dont think it matters much...considering you all find yourselves to be better people than us, because you live in Virginia...and maybe most have been silver-spoon fed that stuff while you were growing up. Enjoy the game fellas.

Never said he would be the best in the conference nor did I say he would be the best in the state, but don't be surprised if Sewell does surpass Glennon as the best QB in the state, at which point Tyrod Taylor takes over for him.

Go to Rivals.com, go to the Virginia top 30, and let me know something about speed. I'll get back to you for that 40 time on Peerman, I'm estimating somewhere around 4.4 but if "D-Mo" is so explosive then where was said explosiveness against us last year? What would make you think he would have an easier time this year against that same, but improved, defense?

Ok, you Wyoming fans have an inferiority complex... seriously. You think anything ever said bad about anything is a direct shot at your state and your residents. My God, just relax, no one is saying anything bad about the people from Wyoming. It is a FOOTBALL smack board. You all love to play the role of underdog, and you love to feel like the little guy, you talk about it non stop. "Quit picking on us!" "We're just as good as you are!" Let it go, no one said anything bad about the state of Wyoming. If you want us to, we can, but until then quit acting like you are the red-headed stepchild.

Sprinkles of swear words I can live with... but your posts were a joke. It made you look like a 15 year old who just found a keyboard and giggles every time he types in a bad word. I think you've realized this so you've stopped doing it, which I applaud you for, but don't make it seem like I'm over sensitive. I can throw 'em around with the best of 'em but I don't see how swearing on a message board makes you any tougher.
OK. I'm not gonna throw around many stats but you say Sewell was thrown into the fire. The first time sween went in was at Syracuse in the Carrier Dome and marched us down the field for a game tying drive to send it into OT. Sween finished 7-2 with loses only to BYU and TCU, 2 teams much better than most, mabey all ACC teams.

D-Mo is gonna be amazing this season. You guys just count the missed tackles on him. His ability to dodge tackles is incredible. Seriously, he's slickery.

UVa fans think they are better than everyone else. I hope the ones I run into on saturday aren't snobs.

With a state population of barely 500,000 I'd say we are the little guy ;)
I've been reading this forum for a while, and I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in....I go to James Madison University (JMU), not UVA, but I am a big Hoo fan, and here's a legitimate reason why I think UVa will win...In any football game, on any level, with any teams, the team that controls the line of scrimmage more than likely is the team that will win the game...Wyoming is replacing 3 o-linemen, and moving one from LG to RT...UVA returns 5 starters.....UVA's D-line has been discussed enough, so why talk more about it. It doesn't matter how fast your RB or how skillful your QB is, if you can't block. Also, UVA won't run the strecth play with Jason Snelling anymore, the worst play for an ill-suited player in the country, and Christian Olsen (probably couldn't play at James Madison, let alone start) or Kevin McCabe (now on a D2 squad) won't be playing, and Sewell is a lot better than those two, who did in fact defeat Wyoming last year.
I thought it was awesome that a local team was able to win a national championship and I will be pulling for the Dukes Saturday against the Tar Holes.

And dapokes, can you back up your statement that UVa fans think they are better than everyone else?

I suppose I could do it for you...

"Just about every other school in Virginia likes to bash UVA kids for being 'pretentious' and 'snobs'. In other words, they get called out for thinking they're better than everyone else. Well, if you went to the school in Virginia with the most stringent admissions requirements, best overall athletic program, most beautiful campus and coeds, most successful and famous alumni, the most storied social scene, was founded by Thomas Jefferson, and all that happened to be in what was voted the #1 city to live in America, well you'd think you were the shit too."

SI Review of College Campuses (2004 I believe)

I sure hope we win after all this smack! This is cracking me up. I love it. Nothing like some healthy smack talk. Any of you VA fans have CB 2008 on PS3? We should meet online and have a game like they do Madden before the Super Bowl. No other game this year (except maybe CSU and BYwho) will get this much smack talk. Poor Virginia is just a victim of a week one match up. All of us are anxiously awaiting and counting the seconds till football starts again. As for the comments about who has the best overall athletic department, I don't think we can match up yet with VA. We have made huge leaps the last 5 years with the improvements, but it is hard to compete with the money and talent pool out here in the ACC.
I can't wait for this game so we can redeem the loss. Even though they played "the worst game of all last year" against us. What happens when they lose this year? If we win and it is close, I can't wait to say that we played a terrible game. Bottom line, you beat us last year, can we stop talking about it now? Our Win/Loss columns both reset, it is a new year. Neither team is exactly the same and have both played almost a dozen times since then. Watch for me next Wednesday VA fans! I will be the one driving through your state with WYO flags out my windows and UW stickers on the back. GO POKES!!
"Just about every other school in Virginia likes to bash UVA kids for being 'pretentious' and 'snobs'. In other words, they get called out for thinking they're better than everyone else. Well, if you went to the school in Virginia with the most stringent admissions requirements, best overall athletic program, most beautiful campus and coeds, most successful and famous alumni, the most storied social scene, was founded by Thomas Jefferson, and all that happened to be in what was voted the #1 city to live in America, well you'd think you were the shit too."

Wow, not only is this opinionated. But its not even true. If you guys have the best ''overall athletic department'' in the country...wheres all of your national championships in all of your other sports?? Theres one thing that is false.

Another is the ''#1 voted city to live in America'', also false. I know for a FACT that that city is Ft. Collins, CO.

Most beautiful campus is also an opinion. Man whoever wrote that for SI had a major HARD-ON for you guys..you like that, tho huh? :o

I wouldn't go so far as saying you're ''the shit''....but rather a large piece of it.

I think this is funny when you have to resort to what the media says...many years ago. Very sad indeed. I'm glad you never denied that you are a snob...but maybe you'd realize that once you take daddy's silver spoon out of your mouth.
You are very entertaining, my foolish friend.
It didn't say best overall athletics program in the country, it was refering to the state. Although I believe we ranked somewhere around 8th in the country for overall athletics. Where was Wyoming at?

As for the #1 place to live, when this was written Charlottesville was voted as the nicest place to live in the country. So you and I both may be right. Yes, the campus is an opinion as well, but until you step on campus you cannot truely appreciate how beatiful it really is. And nice little jab you took there... I didn't write the article moron.

Many years ago? Try 3. Maybe that is many years for you, who appear to be around the age of 7.
Moron, huh? Take another gander at it, bud.

''whoever wrote that for SI had a major HARD-ON for you guys..you like that, tho huh?''
Trust me, I'm well aware that you do not write for Sports Illustrated... that would be giving you far too much credit.

This is just straight up comedy, now.

Don't you have anything more creative to say than that?? I mean, its good entertainment, but come on now..haha
Do you know how to read??? I thought you were joking.. take a look at the quote from which I talked about how SI wrote it, not you. You called me a MORON for proclaiming you wrote it.

jeeez, man
I gotta throw myself back in on this. What I wrote was for one of you virginia fans. One of you wanted to talk X's and O's. And I was told that I don't show any stats to backup what I say. Well, I do, and then I get dogged because It's a new year, and we play different teams, and such.
And I never stated anything about you guys beating us last year. That wasn't the point. IDIOT!
Yeah, you beat us last year and you guys weren't playing good. But guess what ? (This might be hard for you to believe,) but, we weren't even close to playing our best either!
If you remember we started our season 1-4. If we go 1-4, How are we playing our " A" game? How are we playing our best? YOU NEED TO ANSWER THIS!!! Because you keep bringing this up, that you beat us, and that you weren't playing well during that game. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE WERE?I guarantee that if we played you later in the season we could've beat you, when we were playing our "B" game.